Meet Zelda! She is an 8 month old Portuguese Water dog from Lomita, California here for our Two-Week Board and Train program! Zelda is a sweet excited pup, who gets distracted easily and likes to jump on guests and pull on walks. Over the next two weeks, Zelda will learn how to behave on and off leash, how to properly greet people and other dogs, and how to be the pup She can be! Stay tuned for Zelda's Two week transformation!
Pupdate 11/27/22
Today, Zelda and I spent some time hanging out at the park seeing what she knows. She was distracted at the park and wanted to say hello to anybody and everybody that walked past her. We headed home and and took a walk around the neighborhood and explored the backyard before she was ready for a nap. Today we focused on her and I bonding tomorrow we will get started with training!

Pupdate 11/28/22
Zelda and I spent most of today training in the backyard and around the home. She picked up on the “Come” command quickly but struggled wanting to sit on my left side at times. She also gets distracted quickly when asked to hold that sit. We have had no potty accidents and she is acclimating to her new environment well.

Pupdate 11/29/22
Today Zelda and I worked on the place command. Place is any elevated object or surface with a defined boundary and she has to hangout there until I release her. She was a little timid jumping on the board the first few times but got into the swing of things quickly. She is doing much better with the come command but is struggling sitting right on my left side at times.

Pupdate 11/30/22
Today Zelda and I headed off to work around some new dogs and other trainers. She was very distracted at first and wanted to pull to sniff and say hi to people and other dogs but quickly got into the swing of things with a few reminders. She is still struggling at times sitting closely on my left side but is walking nicely!

Pupdate 12/01/22
Today Zelda and I headed off to Pasadena to work at a park with some other trainers. She is picking up on all of her commands quickly and doing much better at holding her sit and down command. At times she gets excited and occasionally does still break her “heel” command but is quick get right back into it with a reminder. She is also doing much better with her jumping and understands that to be pet she needs to be on all fours paws.

Pupdate 12/02/22
Today Zelda and I headed off to practice her commands at a couple different parks. With all the rain and new smells she was distracted at first but got working quickly. We were able to walk past a group of 20-25 kids at one point and she did not break her “heel” command once. Zelda also enjoyed practicing place today on different objects and had fun jumping around on new things we could find. She is still struggling sitting closely on my left side but she is getting closer to my knee by the day!

Pupdate 12/03/22
Zelda and I headed off to a local park and practiced her commands around some kids playing soccer. We worked on her dragging the leash and practicing all of her commands but focused on downs. She is doing much better with her sit but as I have introduced the down to her dragging the leash she likes to swing around in front of me at times. She is making great progress and we will continue working on sharpening up all of her commands!

_______________________________________________________________________________Pupdate 12/04/22
Zelda and I worked on some in home training and practiced her place and down command. We then headed off to local park once the rain slowed down. She is doing fantastic with walking and dragging the leash now and much better with her sit command. Downs we are still working on because she likes to swing out at times and down in front instead of on my left side.

Pupdate 12/05/22
Today Zelda and I worked on some door manners and popped the leash off at a local park and took a nice walk finding as many place objects as we could. With the door manners, I want to be able to go to my mailbox, unload groceries, get my Amazon package and not have her bolting out. She did very well off leash but did see a dog from a distance and she got very excited and wanted to run and go say hello. After a few repetitions we were able to walk past from a distance. Tomorrow we are going to head off to work around some dog distractions!

Pupdate 12/06/22

Today Zelda and I headed off to work on her dragging the leash and some off leash work. She did fantastic today and even had a flock of birds fly right over her that she wanted to chase but stayed in that heel command. At times she struggles jumping onto different place objects and holding a down off leash. We will continue finding the areas we can improve and focus on them!

Pupdate 12/07/22
Today Zelda and I headed off to Home Depot and to a local park to work on all of her commands with the leash dragging and off leash. Zelda did have a diarrhea accident last night in the middle of the night. I took her to the vet to get a fecal test just to make sure it is nothing more then an oddity. She was very sweet and did great holding a sit meeting new friends! We then headed home and focused on tightening up that down and sit from her along with starting to add more distance sending her to place.
