Walker, an 8 month old Double Doodle, has joined Offleash SoCal for board and train program. Walker is a sweet and energetic boy. He loves people but jumps when greeting them. We will be working on obedience and greeting manners over the 11 days. Check in to see Walker’s transformation!

Pupdate 2/08/2020
Walker practicing come and sit at the park today. He also worked on trying not to pull on the leash (heel). He can’t help himself when he sees other dogs and people walk by. It‘s still a work in progress, but not bad for his first day.

Pupdate 2/09/2020
Back to the park today to work on commands. Walker practice some more on come and sit, and then we added in the place command. Place is an object, other than the floor, that Walker has to climb up and sit. First we started with the dog cot so he understand the command, then we tried the park table. Walker had fun with the place command. We worked some more on heel command. He is doing a lot better not pulling on the leash.

Pupdate 2/10/2020
Walker did awesome today with the loose leash heel! We practiced around the neighborhood where there was mild distractions.
Pupdate 2/11/2020
Walker working on commands at Lowe’s today. One of our new trainees assisted me and worked with Walker. He was such a good boy and followed all the commands she gave him!

Pupdate 2/12/2020
Walker had a fun day out at Huntington Beach with his buddy Romeo.

Pupdate 02/13/2020
Today Walker and Romeo joined me on a shopping spree at The Outlets at Orange. Haley, our new trainer to the Offleash SoCal team, joined me and worked with Walker. She practiced the down command with Walker since he is a little stubborn with this command. He knows it, but he only wants to lay down when he feels like it, not when we say. He is doing very well with the loose leash walking. The greeting manners are still a work in progress. He tries his best to sit still, but with all the attention he gets Walker can’t help but get super excited and jump up.

Pupdate 2/14/2020
Walker enjoying the day out with his friends also and Romeo. Today we went to Hollywood Walk of Fame to work in a really high distraction area. Walker did great! He had no issues with the crowds of people, loud noises, or loud buses and cars driving by.

Pupdate 2/15/2020
Today walker and I took a trip back to Huntington Beach. We practiced more duration work (holding or staying in a command until released) with high distractions (people, dogs, bikes, etc.) passing by him.
