Meet Morena! Morena is a 2 year old Golden Retriever Mix from Huntington Beach, CA. Morena is joining us for our Two Week Board and Train Program. Morena struggles with basic obedience, pulls heavily on leash and loves to jump up when greeting new people. Morena barks excessively while on leash and will charge at dogs and people. She struggles being calm when other dogs are around and doesn’t listen to anything. Morena is a sweet girl who is ready to learn. Watch out for her 14 day transformation!
Pupdate 6/5/2022

Morena and I spent the day getting to know each other at a local park! She was really timid at first and had a bit of anxiety after pick up. She was a little hesitant to get out of the car and was very unsure about me. After a couple of minutes of us just sitting there and enjoying each others company, we had our first lesson. I introduced her to the e-collar which she warmed up to immediately. We worked on starting the foundation for her ‘come to sit’ command as well as ‘heel’. While working on her ‘come’ command she would jump up at me when she reached me and wouldn’t stop trying to jump up at me. This is most likely due to her anxiety. She was able to pick up on the ‘heel’ quickly but would plant herself or roll on her side to keep us from walking any further. After giving her some time, she was able to get a lot more comfortable ‘heeling’ with me. Morena adjusting quickly to her kennel in my home and even explored her new environment before dinner. She still has a bit of anxiety and ate less than half of her dinner. Overall, she did a great job.

Pupdate 6/6/2022
Morena and I spent the day training at a local park. We worked on her “heel” and “come to sit”. She didn’t jump up at me as much today as is doing significantly better with her “heel”. She did get a little overwhelmed with some passing dogs and started barking and lunging at them. After working some more on her commands, she seemed to relax and settle into her environment. Morena ended her training day by learning a new command, “place”. She has trouble jumping up on things and was really hesitant to jump up on anything that was plastic, such as a slide. Overall, Morena did a great job and has settled in nicely in my home.

Pupdate 6/7/2022

Morena and I went to Hollydale Park where she was able to work around other trainers and their pups. She was a little overwhelmed in the beginning about being around so many pups and people. She tried to sniff at them a couple of times but she didn’t bark or lunge at any of them. She worked on her ‘heel’ and her ‘come to sit’ and she is doing such a great job! She still needs a bit of leash pressure at times to get her in the right position but after a couple of corrections she is able to get it. We worked on her ‘place’ as well as her ‘down’ today. It did take her a bit to get used to ‘down’ but she eventually got it. She was a little uncomfortable when other dogs were around her and she didn’t want to ‘down’ in front of them. There were a couple of people on horseback that passed by us and a Morena did a great job ignoring the horses and wasn’t interested in them at all. She ate all of her breakfast and dinner and enjoyed plenty of water. She was able to run around my backyard and play with a couple of toys before bed.

Pupdate 6/8/2022
Morena and I went to a local park to work on her ‘heel’ and her ‘down’. She still struggles going in a down especially if there are people or dogs there. Morena did a great job at ignoring a dog who stopped and barked at her. She did get a bit spooked but didn’t make an effort to lunge and pulls towards them. After the dog left she was a bit anxious and it did take her a bit to recover. After a couple of minutes she did great. Morena is getting a lot better at being around distractions but she is still very timid. She ate less than half of her breakfast and half of her dinner. Overall, Morena did a great job.

Pupdate 6/9/2022

Morena and I went to Home Depot to work on all of her commands. She has gotten a lot better with her ‘heel’. I didn’t have to give her any leash pressure today when doing her commands. Morena does take longer than most to adjust to a new environment. She does have a lot of anxiety and will pant heavily or at times shake slightly. Morena is a really good girl but was a bit overwhelmed with all of the noises at Home Depot. She would try and scurry ahead of me or try and hide behind me when we passed by shopping carts. She’d even sink to the floor and refuse to move when we passed by certain isles that had big sheets of drywall. She definitely does a lot better while in motion than when she is sitting or laying in one place. At Home Depot, Morena did great passing by people and other dogs but I do see that she is a little uncomfortable doing her commands around other dogs. Her “come to sit” has gotten a lot better as well and she is trying her absolute hardest. When in my home, Morena finds her kennel her safe space and prefers to be in there or out in my backyard with me while we play. She tends to be a little overwhelmed in my home as well even if it’s just us two unless we’re outside playing or she’s in her kennel. Despite it all, Morena is doing such a great job. She has been having trouble eating all of her kibble so I’ve been adding cheese to her food to get her to eat. She’s been eating but not finishing her food. She has been drinking plenty of water.

Pupdate 6/10/2022
Morena and I spent our day working on her commands around more dogs. We went to Petsmart where she was able to be around other dogs who were barking at her as well as different smells. It did take her a bit to get used to her new environment but eventually she was able to relax a bit. Morena is definitely still anxious when going into an area with low or high distractions. She did really well today and was able to do all of her commands. We’re working on her ‘come to sit’ since she likes to sit in front of me at times. With her ‘place’ there are times when she will want to ‘down’ when I’ve asked her to ‘sit’. Overall, Morena is doing such a great job. I’m still adding a bit of cheese to her food to get her to eat more of it. She is drinking plenty of water and going potty like normal.

Pupdate 6/11/2022

Morena and I spent the day working in the early morning to beat the heat. She went to Wilderness Park where she was able to work on all of her commands around different types of birds, people with large camera equipment and bikers. Morena did get a bit spooked by some of the ducks and bikers but didn’t make an effort to bark or lunge at them. She worked with no leash tension today and had a very thin leash on to give the impression of ‘no leash’. She worked with the small leash dragging behind her and she did all of her commands really well. She did have a bit of trouble with her ‘come to sit’, she would at times sit a little bit ahead of me or want to sit facing me. Overall, Morena is such a good girl and did a great job today. She is still really anxious when going anywhere new so it did take her a bit to calm down.

Pupdate 6/12/2022
Morena and I spent the day working on all of her commands off leash. She is getting a lot better and understands the majority of her commands. We’re still working on getting her more comfortable with doing her ‘come to sit’ off leash since she tends to still sit a little bit ahead of me. She also had moments when she would refuse to do anything while off leash and would just sit there and not move. We also worked on her ‘door’ manners today. She had a bit of trouble and wanted to stay right next to me the whole time. She was really timid and would shake a bit when it looked like I was walking out the door without her. After a few minutes of working on it she seemed to do a lot better. She isn’t able to hold her ‘sit’ or her ‘down’ for very long when doing her ‘door’ manners since she does get anxious. We’re working on having her be more relaxed when doing that command. Overall, Morena did great and was even able to enjoy some free time in my home and took a nap on my couch.

Pupdate 6/13/2022

Morena and I spent the day working on all of her commands off leash. She is still very timid and anxious so it did take her a bit of time to calm down. Morena does great with all of her commands but at times will see what she can get away with and wander a bit. Other times Morena will just stay still and refuse to move or do anything. After a couple of minutes she’ll resume training. Overall, Morena did a great job today and is being a good girl. She ate half of her breakfast and dinner.

Pupdate 6/14/2022
Morena and I went to Tustin Park to work off leash around other dogs. She was really nervous and anxious so it did take her a while to calm down. She was a bit stubborn today and wouldn’t want to walk ahead at times so we worked with a very thin leash on. She even worked really well around my personal dog. She is such a good girl and is really coming out of her shell but definitely prefers when no other dogs are around. She enjoyed some play time at the park before going home. She is progressing really well!

Pupdate 6/15/2022

Morena and I went to Lowe’s to work on all of her commands around distractions and noises. She was a little overwhelmed with all the loud noises and people but did a great job. She did struggle passing by shopping carts or people lifting big things off the ground. Morena is getting a lot better at staying near me when doing her commands and is getting better at her ‘come to sit’. She’ll sit in the correct position and won’t try to sit in front of me as much as she used to. There were a couple of other dogs at Lowe’s today but Morena did a great job ignoring them. She did get spooked by one because it came around the corner too quickly so she tired to hide behind me. Overall, Morena is getting more confident everyday!

Pupdate 6/16/2022
Morena and I went to Downey Promenade this morning to work on all of her commands around distractions. She did such a great job but did get a bit spooked by police sirens. She got up and tried to come and hide behind me. She is still very anxious but is doing a lot better when out in public. She is doing great with all of her commands and even has more confidence to jump up on objects she’s not used to. She ended the day by going to a local park where she was able to run off leash and enjoy roaming around freely. She is such a good girl and even ate all of her dinner. She is slowly coming out of her shell and becoming more playful everyday!

Pupdate 6/17/2022

Morena and I went to Santa Monica Promenade where she was able to work off leash around other trainers and their pups. She still has a lot of anxiety but is being such a good girl. She tried her hardest and did amazing at all of her commands. There are still times when she gets a bit overwhelmed especially if there are too many people but she did great nonetheless. Morena ended her day with some free time at a local park before she took a very much needed nap. She ate half of her breakfast and dinner but drank plenty of water!

Pupdate 6/18/2022

Morena went to a local park to work on all of her commands. She did great off leash and was even really excited to run around. She has really come out of her shell as is a lot more confident. She doesn’t really want to be around other dogs and would prefer to be close to you. She ended her day relaxing in my home and lounging on my couch. The video is a sneak peek into her final video. She did such a great job and can’t wait to show you all she’s learned!
