Meet Lou! She’s here for the Balanced Canine Training SoCal 2 Week Board & Train dog training program. She’s a wonderful, playful, loving pup but her owners concerns are that she doesn’t like to recall when told to and not so attentive. They also want her to be more obedient with new commands and disciplined while being out in public. See her transformation below.
In Training:
Update #9
Practicing her obedience off leash at the park with some stick and ball distractions while I have her “Sit”. It’s pretty hard to make her move with all these distractions now.

Update #8
Her off Leash Heels are great! Yes, we had to wait for a cool day to go for a nice long walk because she can over heat quickly but she certainly did her best to keep them little legs moving! She’s amazing!

Update #7
Having several dogs at my house, I used this time to train Luo to NOT mind the other dogs playing while I’m giving her certain commands. I like to say, there’s always a time and place to play. Of course she did fanatics so I gave her the command ”Break” to go play with the other pups and run freely. Very well deserved!

Update #6
Tell you what, her sitting skills and patience has grown so much when it comes to people manners. We’re ourside going for a walk, till one of my neighbors wanted to stop us to say hi to Lou. I told her to sit nicely and she waited till the gentleman reach down and pet her. Great job Lou!

Update #5
Her door manner skills are on point! Most dogs like to be courisous on what’s on the other side of the door so they take a peek or some dogs will just run out and get lost. Well, Lou here understands when the door is open, it doesn’t mean she can just bolt right out. She will just “Sit” looking pretty as she can be.

Update #4
Lou has gained some awesome confidence and obedience while she’s training with us. We’ve worked on some dog and toy distraction while giving commands at the same time. She’s been on point!

Update #3
Having it being a really hot day, we decided to train in the garage and work on different distractions. Definitely took a well deserved break!

Update #2
This little Frenchy isn’t only adorable but also very smart! Learning her commands with such great attitude. Learning how to “Place” on a cot and soon on many other advanced objects. Great job Lou!

Update #1
Meet Lou! She’s here for our 2 week board and train. She’s a wonderful, playful, loving pup but her owners concerns are that she doesn’t like to recall when told to and not so attentive. They also want her to be more obedient with new commands and disciplined while being out in public. Stay tuned for the next two weeks to see her progress!
