Meet Bodi! He is an 11 month old Aussidoodle from Fountain Valley, CA! He is joining us for our Three Week Board and Train Program! Bodi tends to pull on leash when out on walks, he loves to jump up when greeting new people and needs to learn his basic obedience. He is a really smart and loving boy who is ready to learn! He can’t wait to show you his progress throughout the next couple of weeks
Pupdate 11/14/2021

Bodi went potty as soon as we got home this morning. He was a little anxious being in a new environment so he was a little hesitant to do anything. I took him on a long walk to get any of his nerves out and let him have some play time with me so we could get to know each other. Bodi is such a sweet boy! He did end up pooping but his stool is still watery like you mentioned this morning. We also had our first lesson where we worked on his heel and place. We kept the lesson short since I didn’t want to overwhelm him. He ate a couple of bites of his kibble, I added chicken to sooth his stomach. Overall Bodi is a really good boy and is taking a much needed nap!

Pupdate 11/15/2021
Bodi did an amazing job learning a couple new commands today. We worked on come to sit, down and heel. He had a bit of trouble with his down but after a couple of tries he seemed to get the hang of it. Bodi is such a smart boy. Bodi ate all of his dinner last night but picked at his breakfast. He still does have very watery stool so I’m adding cooked chicken to his dinner. He is also drinking a lot of water. He did get a bit car sick today on the way home. Overall Bodi is a really smart boy and is learning so much already!

Pupdate 11/16/2021

Bodi went to Citadel Outlets where we got to work on his commands. We also met up with another trainer and their pup. He is doing amazing ignoring other dogs. He is also getting a lot better at his heel. He does struggle to stay in place for long periods of time but we’re working on his durations. Overall Bodi is a really good boy! He ate all of the chicken in his dinner but picked at his kibble. He also hasn’t gone potty since yesterday afternoon. His stomach seemed to have settled a bit since he did have a lot more energy today and didn’t seem uncomfortable. He is a good boy and is learning so much!

Pupdate 11/17/2021
Bodi went to a Rynerson park to work on all of his commands! He worked around a lot of dog distractions today! He did a really good job. He’s getting a lot better at his durations and his heel. We still need to work a bit more on his down since he wants to crawl on top of my feet. We also worked on building his confidence by going up on objects he wasn’t familiar with! He didn’t get car sick today and his tummy is feeling a lot better. I’m still feeding him chicken since his stool is a little watery! Overall Bodi is being a good boy and is learning so much!

Pupdate 11/18/2021
Bodi went to The Block today where he got to be around a lot of dog distractions. He did really well ignoring other dogs. He is doing a lot better at his heel and requires little to no leash tension. He did get spooked by some grates and metal floors but we worked through it. After a couple of minutes Bodi got to hang of walking on weird surfaces. Bodi is doing such an amazing job. He also learned the under command, to get under an object and stay in place. He struggled a bit and didn’t understand what we were doing he he quickly got the hang of it. Bodi is also eating all of his chicken and some of his kibble. I have been adding a bit of chicken broth to his kibble since he doesn’t seems to want to eat his kibble by itself. Overall he is learning so much and is a sweet boy!

Pupdate 11/19/2021

Bodi went to Glendale Galleria today to work on all of his commands. We worked with a couple of other trainers and their pups and he did amazing! There were a lot of screaming children and other dogs there as well. He didn’t seem to mind them too much and ignored them. We’re still working on his durations, he wants to get up after a short while. Bodi is also getting more confident and even jumped up onto a fountain ledge. Bodi is a good boy. I’ve still been feeding Bodi chicken since his stool is still watery. He doesn’t eat his kibble as much and just nibbles at it. He is drinking a lot of water. Overall Bodi is being a good boy!

Bodi went to Santa Monica Pier where he worked around dog distractions. We worked on all of his commands as well as introduced ‘come to heel’. He did have a bit of trouble with his break command after he went into an under. He finds small spaces really comfortable and won’t want to move. We’re working on adding another command after to encourage him to work some more. He did amazing after a couple of tries. He is also getting a lot better with his durations, he didn’t even move as some people came really close to his face. Bodi is such a good boy! He is eating and drinking a lot of water. His stool is still watery. He does still get car sick. He is eating the chicken but he doesn’t want to eat any of his kibble. He does nibble at it but won’t eat the whole thing. Overall Bodi is very loving and is being such a good boy!

Pupdate 11/21/2021
Bodi went to Huntington Beach Pier where we worked on all of his commands around distractions. Bodi has never been around a lot of bikes and cars so close to where we were walking. He did amazing. He wasn’t spooked. He did a really good job with his durations. We did have to reset a couple of times because he kept getting up but after a while he got the hang of it. Bodi is a really good boy! He also ate all of his breakfast and dinner. He only left a couple of kibble pieces behind. This is the first time he has actually eaten a majority of his food. Bodi is also still getting car sick. His stool is still a little runny as well. Overall Bodi is such a good boy!

Pupdate 11/22/2021

Bodi went Citadel Outlets today to work on all of his commands off leash. He is such a good boy. He would break his extended sit here and there but we reset and tired again. He is getting a lot better! Bodi is being such a good boy. Bodi also ate all of his food. He did leave a couple of kibble pieces behind. His stool is also not as watery and has more of a shape to it now. Overall Bodi is being such an amazing boy.

Pupdate 11/23/2021
Bodi went to Home Depot today to work on all of his commands. He is getting a lot better working off leash. He also got to jump up on one of the large orange carts and didn’t mind at all. He is a good boy! We also worked on our durations and he is improving so much! Bodi also got much needed play time today! He was so happy to play with me and have me chase him. We also worked on his off command during play time to he can release his toy! He is so smart. Overall Bodi is being a good boy!

Pupdate 11/24/2021

Bodi went to Century City Mall where we worked on all of his commands off leash. We practiced his under in really tight and small spaces. At first he wasn’t sure he could fit but after a couple of tries he got the hang of it. Bodi did really well with other dogs and screaming children. He also ignored people who tried to call him. He worked on his greeting manners today and he did a great job sitting in one place! Bodi is doing such a great job! He enjoyed some play time with his favorite Christmas toy before dinner! He ate majority of his breakfast but picked at his dinner. His stool is also still a little watery and Bodi still gets car sick during long rides.

Pupdate 11/25/2021
Bodi went to Santa Fe Springs park to practice working around children distractions. Bodi always wants to play with the kids and is easily distracted by it. We worked off leash and he did amazing! We also worked on getting on and off metal benches. Bodi doesn’t like the feeling of metal on his feet. After a while he seemed to not care about the benches as much! Bodi is such a good boy and is doing such a great job. He is eating majority of his kibble. I’m slowly starting to cut the chicken out of his meals since eating only his kibble no problem. His stool is still a bit watery.

Pupdate 11/26/2021

Bodi went to Santa Monica Pier today to work on all of his commands off leash! He did amazing! He ignored other dogs and people. We worked on his greeting manners as well. He did try to get up a couple of times but after a while he sat patiently. We also worked on Bodi’s extended sit. He isn’t getting up as much as he used to. He is getting a lot more comfortable being around distractions. He was really interested in the birds flying around but didn’t make an effort to go over to them. Bodi is also eating majority of his breakfast and dinner. He still gets a bit car sick and also still has watery stool. Overall Bodi is being a good boy!

Pupdate 11/27/2021
Bodi worked on all of his commands around children today. We went to Reynerson park to practice. He is usually distracted by children and he tends to whine a bit. He gets really excited and wants to play with them. He did a really great job today. He did get a bit nervous when some of the children got too close. He broke his commands a couple of times but did better each time we reset. By the end of our training session he didn’t seem to mind the kids and their families. Bodi also ate majority of his food but still had watery stool. He didn’t get car sick today.

Pupdate 11/28/2021

Bodi went to Petsmart during one of their busy adoptions days. He was around a lot of people and animals. He did really well working on his commands around so many dogs and cats. He did get a bit spooked by so many random people trying to come up and pet him but he recovered quickly. We worked on all of his commands with a loose leash since we weren't able to work off leash in the store. Bodi also had some off leash fun at the park today! We played catch and tug. He is being a really good boy! He is eating majority of his food and still has watery stool. Overall Bodi did a good job today!

Pupdate 11/29/2021
Bodi went to Legg Lake Park today to work on all of his commands! He is doing a lot better with his extended sit and downs! Bodi also didn’t break a sit while people passed him with a bike and a skateboard! Bodi is doing amazing with all of his commands! Bodi ate majority of his food today. I added some canned food to his dinner mixed in with his kibble. He got much needed play time in between our trining sessions! Bodi is so cute! He is drinking a lot of water!

Pupdate 11/30/2021

Bodi went to The Pike today to work on all of his commands off leash! He did get a bit distracted with a couple of runners. He didn’t break any of his commands as they passed which is great! We also worked on his place, we worked on placing on higher objects today. He did have a bit of trouble getting up on higher objects but we worked through it and he slowly gained his confidence with it. Bodi also had some play time today at the park! He ate majority of his food and his morning, stool only had about two drops of blood. He went potty again in the afternoon and evening and there were no blood drops. He is drinking a lot of water!

Pupdate 12/01/2021

Bodi enjoyed training today at The Glendale Galleria. We worked on all of his commands off leash. There were multiple dogs that were trying to pull towards him, Bodi ignored them and stayed focused. Bodi also practiced his under, under really small spaces such as under a chair or a slim bench area. He was a little unsure of going under into such a small space, once he realized he could fit, he went right under it without a problem. Bodi has gained a lot more confidence and is doing a really great job with his extended sit and downs which is something he struggled with in the beginning. There was also a really loud trolly that startled him with its loud squeaking but he quickly recovered and kept working. Bodi ate half of his dinner and breakfast. He still has runny stool and got a bit car sick today. Overall, Bodi is a really good boy and did such an amazing job!

Pupdate 12/02/2021

Bodi went to The Block today to work on all of his commands! We worked on his extended sit in high distraction areas. He used to get nervous and would get up. He sat in place while people passed him with shopping bags and strollers! He is such a good boy! There were multiple dogs that passed him and he paid them no mind. We also worked with other trainers and their dogs as well. Bodi ignored them and kept focused. He was a little curious about the other dogs but didn’t go out of his way to sniff them. Bodi also had some play time and a bully stick before bed!

Pupdate 12/03/2021

Bodi went to The Grove to work on all of his commands. We met up with a couple of trainers and their pups and worked around them! He did amazing! Bodi ignored large crowds of people as well as dogs who were trying to come up to him. Bodi is doing awesome with his heel and has no problem changing direction or walking in tight spaces. He is doing such a good job! Bodi enjoyed some play time before bed! He also ate majority of his dinner and got a bit car sick today! Overall Bodi is a good boy!

Bodi worked on all of his commands today at a local park! He also enjoyed some time to run off leash and play with his favorite toy! Bodi also went to petco today to work on his greeting manners! He was such a good boy and didn’t jump up on anyone. Bodi enjoyed a bully stick and a couple of treats before bed. Bodi ate all of his breakfast and ate half of his dinner. I’ve noticed he recently has been eating the rest of his dinner throughout the night. Bodi’s stool is still a little runny and he got a bit car sick today. We posted a sneak peak of his final video for you to see! He is a good boy! He can’t wait to show you all that’s he’s learned!
