Meet Beya! She is a 6 month old Rottweiler from Torrance, CA. Beya has joined our Two Week Board and Train Program and is here for basic obedience, leash pulling, nipping, and jumping on people. Beya knocks things over, crashes into doors, and she always has to be the first one in the house. Over the next two weeks, Beya will work on becoming a well behaved puppy to match her sweet and playful personality! Check in to see her progress as we set her up for success!

Beya and I spent some time getting to know each other today! After pickup, we came home and had Beya settle in and adjust to her new surroundings. Shortly after, I took her out to my front yard and had some playtime with her. We enjoyed ourselves throwing a tennis ball around ending with belly rubs! I brought Beya out to my backyard while I did some yard work so she can run around, but she decided to take a nap instead. Beya is quickly adapting to her new environment and has made herself at home quite nicely!

Beya was introduced to Heel today! Heel consists of having Beya walking alongside me on my left side. Since Beya pulled on her leash when walking, I would turn and walk in the opposite direction every time she started to pull away. When Beya would start falling behind, I would pick up my pace, sprint a little, and give her a little leash tension so she can catch up. After a few reps, Beya started pulling less as she began to understand what I was asking from her!

Come to Sit was introduced to Beya today. It is the recall command which consists of having Beya come towards my right side, go around behind me, and Sit on my left side. Beya understood the concept of what I was asking, but would stop behind me during the first few attempts. To assist her in coming to my left side, I used her kibble as guidance and she was able to follow through! Beya did very well and we will continue working on it as we move along!

Beya and I began working on Place today. Place is a confidence building command that has Beya get onto an elevated object that she can either Sit or Down on. It can also be of great use whenever guests are over. Beya did such a good job at understanding what I was asking from her. The different objects we worked on, Beya hopped onto them with no problem! She was able to Place on a park bench, a picnic table, and a rock!

Beya worked on her Heel without me holding onto her leash today. She is doing such a great job walking alongside me and not falling behind or walking ahead of me. Her turns are getting better with the use of her kibble as guidance, but I am slowly removing her food as we get further along. Beya also gave me a great Come to Sit towards the end of the session, and a very good Extended Sit to finish!

Beya was introduced to Down today. Down is a command that can be difficult to teach considering that it is a submissive position. I started Beya off with a Sit and used some kibble and a little leash tension to guide her towards the ground. She stood up a few times so I placed my left hand on her back to keep her from doing so. She understood the concept and was able to accomplish her Down! We practiced a few times at the Santa Monica Pier and Beya can now do it on her own!

Beya and I drove out to The Americana in Glendale today. We took a walk throughout the shopping center to have Beya adjust to her surroundings and get her used to the distractions of people and other dogs around her. The public places we have been to, Beya does very well walking next to me and she does not jump on people that are passing us by. We worked on her Extended Down and added some distance to it while people passing through served as a very good distraction for her. Beya was great remaining in her Down as she held it for up to one minute! Beya and I will keep working on it to reach our two minute goal!

Beya and I took a trip to Petsmart today. We walked through the aisles and had Beya work around different dog distractions. I asked Beya to Down in one of the aisles as another dog was passing by in a shopping cart barking. She was doing very well but sat up as the dog began getting closer. The customer noticed that Beya and I were training, and assisted us by passing through us again. Beya managed to successfully remain in a Down as the shopping cart passed by this time. We were also able to try with a Sit and Beya ignored the dog and remained in her Sit!

Preparing Beya to work completely off leash is our main focus for the last seven days of training as we set her up for her Final. She has learned every command and I am using little to no tension on her leash to assist her. Beyaās Come to Sit does need a minor adjustment as she happens to Sit off to the side sometimes, but we are working on it to have it cleaned up. Beya is doing great with other dogs around her, and has gotten a lot better at not jumping on people!

Beya enjoyed some playtime in the backyard with my Boxer. They both get along pretty well and they love chasing each other! Shortly after, I used my dog as a distraction in order for Beya to practice on her Extended Place. I walked him around her multiple times in circles and Beya did a great job not getting up and reaching her two minute goal! They proceeded to continue playing as soon as I gave them both the ok to do so!

Beya and I took a drive out to the Westfield in Century City today. She did really well and is ready for her Final! We took a walk around the shopping mall completely off leash. As people and other dogs walked by serving as distractions, Beya was amazing at not getting up during a few Sit and Down exercises we worked on! A few shoppers found Beya to be very impressive and very well behaved! She is thriving and on her way to become a great pup!

We drove out to Loweās today to Place Beya on different objects. We started with a metal platform cart and she had no problem hopping onto it by herself. I was even able to push her through some aisles while she sat on it! I then asked her to Place on a paint bucket. She placed her front paws on it and just as I was going to assist her with her back legs, Beya placed them on her own and sat down! We moved on to something smaller, and found a valve cover box. Beya once again placed her front paws on the box, but needed assistance this time with her back legs. I placed one of her back legs myself, and she did the rest! To ensure that Beya can do it on her own, I asked her to come off the box and asked her to Place again. Beya managed to Place on her own and was able to Sit on such a small object!

Beya and I took a trip to the Hollywood Walk of Fame today. There was a good amount of people walking around serving as a distraction for her. With traffic and construction noise around Beya, she adjusted with a walk throughout the Hollywood and Highland area. She did a very good job working on her Extended Down and continues to make great progress!

Beya has completed her Two Week Board and Train Program and is ready to come home! I want to thank you for trusting me with her and for the opportunity of being her trainer! She has done such an outstanding job and I am very proud of her! Beyaās Final video is coming soon, but in the meantime, here is a sneak peek of what her Final will potentially look like! Thank you once again and enjoy!
