Meet Bean! An 7 month old French Bulldog from Hawthorne Ca, is here attending our two week board and train program! Bean is an awesome pup, he's playful, goofy and he loves affection! Bean is great with all people and dogs, Bean does at times get overly excited and tends to jump on people, Bean also has a bad habit of not listening to commands. Over the next two weeks Bean and I will be working on our daily manners in and out of the house, along with our obedience commands such as heel, sit, down, place, and come. Along with proofing all commands in different environments and settings! Tune in to Bean's blog to watch our journey!
Pupdate 4-30-2023

Today in the later afternoon Bean and I went on a walk around my neighborhood in La Verne Ca, during our walk today we focused on intro to the heel command, along with engagement around loud sounds from the cars on the street. Bean is a super smart pup, he was able to pick up the heel and sit command for leash pressure within about 15 minutes of teaching him what to do whenever he felt the leash pressure from the prong! Tomorrow I will be showing the heel and sit command, along with intro to the ecollar tool! Bean is a smart pup and I canāt wait to see what heās got in store!

Pupdate 5-1-2023
Today Bean and I went to the local park by my house in San Dimas ca, to get some training in! Today we focused on paring the heel, sit, and down command with the ecollar stimulation. Yesterday Bean did a great job at responding to the leash pressure for sit, down, and heel. Today we paired the commands along with adding the place command as well and he did an awesome job at picking things up! Bean is a fast learner, I was surprised at how fast he picked up pairing the commands with leash pressure along with the ecollar as well! Overall Bean did a great job today!

Pupdate 5-2-2023

Today Bean and I went to a park in Anaheim Ca, to get some training in along side my friends and their personal pups! Today we worked on Beans obedience for the ecollar tool! We worked on heel, sit, down, and place as well as holding positions around other dogs! Bean is doing a great job at responding to the ecollar tool and following through with commands that are being asking for him to perform! Overall Bean is doing a great job, tomorrow we will be adding the ācomeā command to our training!Ā

Pupdate 5-3-2023
Today Bean and I went back to my local park by my house to get some more training in! Today we focused on all of his obedience commands today. We also started to add more durations to his commands having him hold his position more often and longer. Today we focused on utilizing the ecollar more and less leash pressure form the leash! Bean did a great job at responding to the ecollar stem. He has a clear understanding of what the stem means and how to properly shut it off as well! Overall Bean did a great job working today and holding positions around distractions! One thing Bean has a hard time doing is potty training in the kennel. Almost every time I put him in the kennel he pees. At first I was thinking heās still adjusting to the new kennel and environment. After a few days I started to realize heās doing it nonstop. Everytime I put him in the kennel in the house or the car, the first thing he does is pee in the kennel. No matter if he was just out going potty or training. Iāve also tried adding pads in the kennel for him and all he does is rip them up and pee on the side. Iāve started doing potty training for Bean. Giving him increments of time outside to potty then back in the kennel, along with more frequent potty breaks and rewarding whenever he does go potty outside.

Pupdate 5-4-2023

Today Bean and I went to Del Amo mall to get some training in, alongside other training and their board and train pups as well! Today during our field trip we focused on holding positions out in a public setting, teaching him to hold his composure no matter the distractions around him. Bean is doing a great job at responding to the ecollar along with holding his positions out in public! He knows his job is to hold his positions until I release him! Bean did have a accident today in the kennel but itās a bit less frequent than yesterday.Ā

Pupdate 5-5-2023
Today Bean and I went to the local Lowes in San Dimas ca, to get some more training in around distractions from loud noses and different scents from the lumber section! Today we focused on proofing all of his obedience commands, Bean is doing a great job at residing to the ecollar and knows exactly everything in asking of him. Even with the distractions from the forklifts he was still able to follow though with commands!

Pupdate 5-6-2023

Today in the afternoon, I gave Bean some time off and allowed him to play with Kisa and Arya! We had an early session in the morning and we will have another one at night. In the afternoon I watched the pups play and socialize while I did some yard work around the frontyard, I did have the ecollar on Bean only to correct him whenever he decided to try to mount on Arya. Other than that Bean did a great job at playing around and hanging with the pups outside socializing!Ā

Pupdate 5-7-2023
Today Bean and I went back to the park by my house in San Dimas Ca, to worked on some more obedience with the ecollar. This time we worked on it with just the leash dragging. We are working towards taking the leash off and depending on the ecollar to communicate with Bean. He did a great job today and Iām gaining more and more confidence with him working towards being off leash completely!

Pupdate 5-8-2023

Today Bean and I went to local park in Glendale Ca, to get some training in around other offleash trainers and pups! Today we focused mainly on the ecollar and let the leash drag mostly. We worked on proofing all of his commands around distractions from people, kids and other dogs! Bean is doing a great job at following through with commands along with respond to the ecollar. We are working towards getting him fully OffLeash within the next day or two! We will continue to add more and more distractions to his training daily!Ā
Bean's daily potty routines are I let him out to go potty around 6:30 - 7:00 AM. Bean knows to hold his bladder a lot better now in a kennel, he knows to hold it until being let out by me. I usually let them put to go potty every 2 hours, Bean knows the routine he knows once I let him out on the gras it means to use the restroom. Last call to use the restroom is 11:00PM-12:30AM after that they usually sleep in the kennels until 6:30-7:00AM.

Pupdate 5-9-2023
Today Bean and I went to a park in Anaheim Ca, to train alongside one of my friends and her pup! Today we focused mainly on the ecollar tool to communicate with him, today Bean was being a bit stubborn with the ecollar, during our session we started with the leash dragging, in the middle of our session I took the leash off of Bean completely and only used the ecollar. Bean does know when the leash is off and at times can be stubborn, once I noticed that he started to become stubborn I simply started to work him on a higher stimulation to remind him what it means. In the video you can at times see Beans stubbornness and how I properly use to tool to break that stubbornness. We will continue to work on his off leash training and add more and more distractions to our training!

Pupdate 5-10-2023

Today Bean and I went to the local Lowes to proof all of our obedience commands off leash! Bean did a great job at following through with all of his commands! We focused on holding his positions around different sounds and distractions from the customers shopping around! Tomorrow Bean and I will be going to Santa Monica Pier to proof our training more! Bean is also doing a lot better on potty training as well!Ā

Pupdate 5-11-2023
Today Bean and I went to the Santa Monica Pier to proof our off leash obedience! Today we worked on our off leash heeled around numerous people and birds! We also worked on place next to a reactive dog! Bean was able to hold his place regardless of the dog near him and the heavy distractions. Ranging from people and the police car passing by! Iām proud of Bean and the progress heās made, heās a super smart boy and knows exactly everything thatās being asked of him to perform!Ā

Pupdate 5-12-2023

Today Bean and I went back to the local park by my house to work on proofing all of our obedience commands off leash alongside my other board and train pup as well! Today we worked on following through with commands alongside another dog, along with holding their positions at a distance and for long periods of time! Today we proofed all of his commands making sure he has a clear understanding of all of his commands! Bean is super smart and now understands all of his commands on and off leash no matter the distractions around him!Ā

Pupdate 5-13-2023
Today in the afternoon I let Bean relax and just play with the other pups! Heās done a great job and I know he has a full understanding of everything. Later tonight we will be proofing all of our home manners. Bean is not longer trying to mount on other dogs as much as he used to, he still occasionally will at times but knows exactly what the command āoffā means and will listen to just to verbal command. Bean is an awesome dog and I canāt wait to showcase his hard work to you tomorrow!
