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Winston | French Bulldog/ Bulldog | Porter Ranch, Ca | In-Training

Winston is a French Bulldog/ Bulldog who will be joining us for the next two weeks! Winston is known to pull on leash while on walks and chases/lunges at cars. He also struggles with greeting manners and jumps at people when greeting or when someone knocks/ rings bell and tends to nip. While he has been to training before his owner cannot walk him comfortably and Winston is reactive on walks and pull towards runners, skateboards, rollerblades, running dogs, and bikes! Stay tuned for Winstons two week transformation!


pudpate #2


Pupdate #3

puppy meet and greet !


Pupdate #4


Pupdate #5

Park time with lots of distractions


Pupdate #6


Pupdate #7


Pupdate #8

I noticed that Winston’s eye looked a little red today, he is running around and training normally.


pupdate #8


pupdate #9


pupdate #11


pupdate #12


pupdate #13


pupdate #14


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