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Writer's pictureSunglin Pi

Louis | Labrador Retriever | Whittier, Ca | In - Training

Meet Louis! A nine month old Labrador Retriever from Whittier CA, he's here with us attending our Two Week Board and Train Program. Louis is here because his owner wants to have better control over Louis no matter the environment. Louis also gets really hyper and excited whenever meeting new people, jumping on them and pushing them over given his size. Over the next two weeks Louis and I will be working on generalizing all of his obedience in different environments along with working on greeting manners. Tune in to keep up with Louis's progress!


Pupdate 12-11-2022

Today for our first session Louis and I focused on Introduction to the ecollar tool. Today all I was looking for was for Louis to feel it and come back to me. In the video you can see as soon as he feels it, I immediately reward him. After a couple reps I started to see that he was picking up, so I started to pair the ecollar stimulation to the command “sit”. Louis is doing a great job for his first day, he is picking things up quickly!


Pupdate 12-12-2022

Today Louis and I met up with the Offleash Socal team at a local park in Downey Ca, to get some work in around other dogs and distractions. Today Louis and I focused on his “sit” command along with his duration for the command around other dogs. We also introduced leash pressure as well as pairing it with the ecollar stimulation. Overall Louis is doing an awesome job!


Pupdate 12-13-2022

Today Louis and I had a session on my driveway, using the noise from the cars passing by as distractions. Today we focused on showing all of his general obedience commands such as heel, sit, down, and place. Louis understands leash pressure for all of the commands now, we are now pairing the ecollar stimulation with the leash pressure. Slowly we will be fading out the leash pressure and using mainly the ecollar tool.


Pupdate 12-14-2022

Today for our session Louis and I had our session at a local park in San Dimas Ca! We had distractions coming from the kids and people at the playground, along with animals at the park as well. Today we focused on Louis “recall to sit” command, as well as his place command as well. The more repetition we do the more of an understanding Louis will have! Even though there were distractions at the park, Louis still did a great job!


Pupdate 12-15-2022

Today for our session, Louis and I met up with the offleash SoCal team at a local park in Cerritos Ca to get some training in. During our session out at the park we focused on generalizing all of his obedience commands around other dogs and distractions from ducks and geese at the park as well. The only thing Louis still struggles with is his “ down “ command, he has a full understanding of it. It’s just at times he could still be stubborn and take the ecollar stimulation, even though he knows exactly how to shut the stimulation off, by following though to the commands. Overall Louis is doing a great job and on track to be a super star! 


Pupdate 12-16-2022

Today Louis and I had our session at a local outlet in Los Angeles Ca, along with some of the offleash SoCal members to get some training in together. Today during our session our Louis and I focused on all of his obedience out at a public setting with numerous types of distractions around him. Louis loves people so this was a perfect opportunity for us to get some training in especially since their were lots of people around us! Even though their were lots of distractions, Louis was still able to execute all of his obedience commands.


Pupdate 12-17-2022

Today Louis and I took another trip to the local outlet in Los Angeles CA, to get some training in around other board and trains. As well as distractions from all the people shopping around with their dogs. Louis and I are working on proofing all of his general obedience on leash before getting him ready to transition to being off leash. Overall Louis is doing an awesome job working around other dogs.


Pupdate 12-18-2022

Today Louis and I worked at the park alongside another board and train dog! In the video you can see Louis demonstrating his obedience commands alongside another dog. We are using no leash pressure now only the ecollar tool with Louis. Louis is doing a great job now following through with commands with dogs nearby, he understands to hold his excitement!


Pupdate 12-19-2022

Today Louis and I had one of our sessions on my driveway, utilizing the sounds from the street for distractions. Today I strictly focused on using the ecollar tool only and barely using the leash, most of the time letting the leash drag on its own. Louis is doing a great job working with the ecollar tool and has a clear understanding of everything that’s being asked. Tomorrow we will be taking the leash off and working completely off leash! 


Pupdate 12-20-2022

Today Louis and I had our first session fully off leash! We did it at the park near my house in San Dimas Ca, we had distractions from my pup whom Louis loves to play with, just because they see each other does not mean it's always playtime. Louis did a good job being off leash, we worked on all of his obedience commands today. As well as testing his durations for his “sit” and “down” commands! We will continue to add more and more distractions to Louis’s training sessions! 


Pupdate 12-21-2022

Today Louis and I met up with some of the offleash SoCal team members at the local outlet in Los Angeles Ca, to get some exposure and training in together! Today Louis and I worked on all of our commands off leash  around a large amount of distractions from the people and kids walking around shopping. Even though Louis loves to say hi to people, he needs to learn to hold his composure around others. We also focused on his durations for his commands such as “sit” and “down” around people. Louis did a great job today being off leash and doing all of his commands smoothly!


Pupdate 12-22-2022

Today Louis and I went back to the outlets in Los Angeles to get some more training along with proofing his obedience commands around the people shopping. Louis is doing an awesome job working off leash around other people and kids. When I had first gotten Louis, he was very eager to greet anyone that walked in front of him. Louis also has a full understanding of all of his commands from “come to sit” to the “place” commanding on different objects and platforms.


Pupdate 12-23-2022

Today Louis and I worked on our house manners! We worked on his food manners, along with door manners. During his door manner, I “heel” him to the door then have him either “sit” or “down” while I open the door. Louis’s job is to hold that position until I give him the command to either “heel” or “come to sit”. During Louis’s food manners we focused on having him hold his “place” before being given the “break” to eat! Overall Louis is doing a great job on his house manners, we practice everyday!


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