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Dog Obedience Package Santa Monica

By the end of this package, your dog will be able to be outside, with distractions listening on command. The Basic Obedience Training Package comes with the E-Collar and 15-foot leash, and 4 basic obedience lessons

Basic Obedience Curriculum

  • "Come and Sit"

  • “Down” and “Extended Down.”

  • “Place” and “Extended Place.” They will sit on a specific location that you point to (chair, park bench, etc)

  • “Loose Leash Walking.” They will walk right beside of you on a leash

  • “Off.” Do not jump on me or anyone else.


**Extended sit, down, and place means your dog will REMAIN in the down, sit, or place position until YOU tell them to “break” (release them).


Basic Obedience Package: 4 lessons - $700

In Home Basic Obedience Package: 4 Private lessons - $1000

2 -Mia _ 10mo German Shepherd _ Los Ange
Basic Obedience

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Board & Train

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Basic and Advanced Obedience Package
Basic and Advanced Obedience Package

This package is for those who really want their dog to be rock-stars! This includes 8 lessons. 

Advanced Obedience Training
Advanced Obedience Training

Your dog must finish our Basic Obedience Package before we will teach them advanced lessons. We offer numerous advanced lessons

In-Home Basic Obedience Package
In-Home Basic Obedience Package

Our In-home option gives customers the opportunity to train their dogs in the comfort of their home or office with the normal day to day activities and surroundings your dog is familiar with.

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