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  • alyssadogtrainer

Winston | Boxer | Simi Valley, CA | In-Training

Meet Winston! Winston is a 7 month old Boxer from Simi Valley, CA who is joining us for our One Week Board and Train Program. Winston needs help with basic obedience and manners. Winston tends to pull heavily on leash and loves to put his paws up on top of the kitchen counter! Overall, Winston is a sweet boy who is ready to learn! Check out his 7 day transformation.


Pupdate 11/13/2022

Winston and I spent majority of the day getting to know each other. Winston is still very timid and was spooked by a lot of things such as cars and people when we took a walk around my neighborhood. After some time, we slowly introduced him to the e-collar and he did great. He was able to get adjusted to it quickly! Winston was able to settle in his kennel nicely and took a much needed nap! Overall, he is being such a good boy! 


Pupdate 12/14/2022

Winston spent some time working alongside other trainers and their pups. He did such a great job ignoring them but was really overwhelmed in the beginning. He struggled getting used to any leash pressure and would throw himself on the ground. He would try to bite the leash and would stay planted on the ground and refused to move. After a couple of minutes he was able to do all of his commands easily. Winston is taking a bit to adjust but he made a huge improvement today! He is such a good boy!


Pupdate 11/15/2022

Winston and I went to a local park to work on all of his commands. He is getting a lot better with his heel but still gets really anxious and overwhelmed if we’re around a lot of loud noises or people. He did amazing ignoring other dogs today and is doing a lot better with his down. He still needs to work on his extended commands since he tends to get up and want to walk over to where I’m at. We also practiced some of his manners at home. He did try to put his paws up on the counter a couple of times but after working on it he did a lot better! Winston is such a good boy! 


Pupdate 11/16/2022

Winston and I went to a Petsmart today to work on all of his commands. He was a little overwhelmed when we first went in there and it did take him a bit of time to get adjusted to all of the noise. He was a bit distracted when people would pass by him but he did an amazing job trying to stay in his commands. He still needs more work on his extended commands but is doing great with his heel. There are times when he gets too distracted and will walk a little ahead of me but he is doing so much better at correcting himself. Overall, Winston is being a good boy! 


Pupdate 11/17/2022

Winston and I went to a local park where there was a fenced dog park! He did a great job at ignoring all of the dogs but was very distracted when they would pass him. He didn’t make an effort to walk up to them but did sit and stare! Winston is doing amazing with all of his commands and was able to hold his down and place for over two minutes! Overall, he is being a good boy!


Pupdate 11/18/2022

Winston worked on all of his commands at Bella Terra alongside other trainers and their pups. He did such a great job working with the other dogs and didn’t pay any attention to them. He was a bit distracted when it came to other people but was able to continue working. Winston did have a bit of soft stool today and seemed to have a bit of an upset tummy. I went ahead and gave him a little bit of pumpkin purée with his dinner. Overall, Winston is doing great! 


Pupdate 11/19/2022

Winston went to Citadel Outlets to work on all of his commands around distractions. He did a great job being around a large crowd of people and was able to ignore passing dogs. He still had a bit of an upset tummy so he did take plenty of potty breaks today. I went ahead and gave him pumpkin purée with his food. He is drinking plenty of water and even enjoyed some play time in my home! Winston is such a good boy and can’t wait to show you all that he has learned! 

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