Valentine is a super sweet and super smart 5 1/2 month old puppy! He already knows so much! His dad is hoping to refine the skills he already knows and to get him to learn a few new ones as well! Stay tuned for Valentines 3-week journey!
Pupdate 5/23/2021:
Today was such a good first day! Valentine is so smart and knows a lot already! I spent a lot of time getting him adjusted to his e-collar. We worked on our recall and sit/down and heel in the video. Keep in mind this was such a short snippet of the day. He ate great and loved playing with my dog! He is already so much fun to have around! Stay tuned for tomorrow’s progress.

Pupdate 5/24/2021:
Today we learned down and worked on heel and place. He is smart and catches on quick! He eats like a champ and naps like a professional. It is so much fun to watch him learn. He is doing great! Stay tuned for tomorrows progress.
Pupdate 5/25/2021:
Today we went to a park and practice a lot of heel and come and sit with so many different trainers! Valentine had a blast! He is stubborn but learning more everyday. Stay tuned for tomorrows progress.

Pupdate 5/26/2021:
Today we went to Outlets at Orange, a outdoor shopping center down south. We met up with everyone and their pups and worked on all our commands. He is finally getting down, come (around the back to the left leg) and place down! He really is a fast learner once he stops being stubborn. He is excelling quickly and is going to be so much fun and learn so much the next 2 1/2 weeks. Everyone loves him too! He is a lot of fun and is so sweet and smart, what’s not to love!? He is eating great and hasn’t had any potty accidents inside yet. Stay tuned for tomorrow’s progress!
Pupdate 05/27/2021

I picked up Mr. Valentine today! I fell in love with his sweet face working with him over the last few days and am so excited to get to take over his training. We did several sessions today including Santa Monica Pier, a busy park with tons of dogs, and some backyard socialization where he played with my pup Nico, who could easily be his big brother! We worked on sharpening his Heel, upping how long he is holding commands and increasing my distance from him in his stationary commands (Sit, Down, Place). He definitely needs some patience sometimes, but overall he is such a smart sweet boy! He is handling the transition into my home great, he loves getting to do all his potty breaks with Nico and getting to play with him as a reward for going and he was such a good boy this evening he even got a kong with a little frozen peanut butter as a treat. His stool has been on the looser side, nothing to be even remotely concerned about, however I went ahead and preemptively giving chicken with rice for the day to make sure it doesn't turn into anything!

Pupdate 05/28/2021
Valentine did awesome today! We worked at the Duck Park, around my Neighborhood, and ultimately did a whole lesson on food manners! He is transitioning really well to working with me and offering up a ton of eye contact which I am super excited about. He gets spooked here and there by brand new large noises but is learning to maintain his obedience in response. He is sleeping great, potty-ing only where he is supposed to when asked, and is getting better and better with his impulse control. We are up for some new challenges tomorrow with some busy weekend outdoor mall work!

Pupdate 05/29/2021
Valentine had such a packed schedule today! He practiced his impulse control while helping me as a dog distraction in several of my lessons, did a long lesson at the Irvine Spectrum, and had some structured play time with his best friend Nico! He took a minute to get his barings at the Spectrum but quickly started giving me some really great engagement. He did so great with all of the dogs, people, kids, and new noises.

Pupdate 05/30/2021

Valentine did so amazing during our last session out today! We went to an outdoor shopping center near UCI and sweet Valentine was getting compliments left and right! Not just for his looks either! We worked on a bit of everything, including how to great strangers appropriately and giving eye contact even with distractions. One of his biggest wins was when a big white husky walked only a foot from him while he was in a down and he maintained eye contact with me the whole time!

Pupdate 05/31/2021
Valentine did awesome at the Grove today!! He did almost the entire session with the leash dragging on the ground. I picked it up a couple times when there were other dogs that were not well behaved that were going to be getting close, just to be on the safe side, but I hardly would have needed it! He got so many compliments and several passersby stopped to observe him and ask me questions. I was so proud of how far he is coming!

Pupdate 06/01/2021

We did our main training session at Home Depot today! We worked on all his commands and used them to do some confidence and coordination work. It is super important for Mr. Valentine to get comfortable looking for direction when he is uncomfortable and being confident and trusting enough to try new things! He was so scared of trying to get on top of the paint drum at first, but with patience, consistency, and a bunch of encouragement he was quickly going up on it with out any help or hesitation. He is doing great, eating and sleeping well, and getting more and more comfortable playing appropriately with Nico.

Pupdate 06/02/2021
Valentine went to Rodeo Drive in Beverly Hills today! He is doing just fantastic. I couldn't be prouder of the progress he makes everyday. As of now he understands all of his commands and the next week and a half is all about building up his confidence and taking everything to the next level. Today he met several new friends, had a great "potty" day (went on command and quickly everytime he was asked, even when he didn't have much in there!), he played great, ate well, and was the absolute cutest with the frozen treat I gave him to help with his teething.

Pupdate 06/03/2021
Valentine went to Century Mall today and was a rockstar. He did a ton of work completely OffLeash and had a blast working around the other pups! He has come such a long way and I am having such a great time working with him!
Pupdate 06/04/2021

We had so much fun at the outdoor mall today! Mr. Valentine did his entire session without his leash and was getting compliments on how good he is doing, and that was before I told them how long he has been training for! We practiced a bit of everything and greeting strangers appropriately. He is just a blast to show off these days!

Pupdate 06/05/2021
Valentine spent a long afternoon at Fashion Island. There were endless Ill behaved pups, people gushing about how handsome and well trained he is, not to mention a ton of new smells! He did amazing. I was so proud of how much good work he put in. He did get a little hot and needed some shade here and there!

Pupdate 06/06/2021

Mr. Valentine did awesome in his session OffLeash at the shopping center today! He is working on flexing all of his commands further with every lesson and is so much fun to work with! He is still such a happy playful boy and gets so excited with me anytime he gets to break. He got compliments from everyone who passed!

Pupdate 06/07/2021
Valentine did a session at Hollywood Blvd today! He was quite distracted at first, but turn out he just had to go potty! Once he was sorted out he performed wonderfully. We got to practice some seriously awesome OffLeash skills.

Pupdate 06/08/2021

Mr. Valentine did great at the Grove today! He worked on everything all alongside his friend Chopper! He is getting all ready to film his final video in the next few days. It has been so much fun to get to work with him and he is going to be missed so much when he goes home this weekend.

Pupdate 06/09/2021
Valley boy did amazing at the Outlets of Orange today! He did an extra long session and did a ton of duration work. He stayed in an under during our entire lunch, worked on place while the other pups worked, and maintained his heel no matter what was going on! He had all kinds of folks stopping to ogle at how well behaved he is!

Pupdate 06/10/2021

Valentine took it a little easier today to rest up for some final video work tomorrow! Still got to have quite a bit of fun working some super distance recalls and a ton of duration in all of his commands. He was gathering spectators!
Pupdate 06/11/2021
A sneak peak of Mr. Valentines final video! He has come so far in the past weeks and we are going to miss him so much! He draws a crowd of bystanders everytime we go out. He is going to be so excited to show off everything he as learned to his dad in the next few days!