Vader, a Labrador Retriever from Long Beach, CA went through the Balanced Canine Training SoCal Board & Train dog training program. Vader was trained by dog trainer Katie Lapin in Los Angeles, CA
This is Vader, a 9 month old Labrador Retriever here for our two week Board and Train Program. Vader is a happy-go-lucky puppy who loves everyone he meets. Some of the concerns Vader's family has are: Pulls on the leash, jumps on people, jumps on the furniture, and eats everything he can put his mouth in! Over the next two weeks, Vader will become the best he can be so stay tuned for his pawsome transformation!

PUPDATE 2/1/2021

PUPDATE 2/2/2021

PUPDATE 2/3/2021

PUPDATE 2/4/2021

Enjoying some playing time!

Tongue out Thursday!

PUPDATE 2/5/2021

Vader getting some kisses from Thor

PUPDATE 2/6/2021

PUPDATE 2\7/2021

PUPDATE 2/8/2021

Playing some tug-of-war

Good Place! Challenging him with smaller and different place objects

Working on duration and distance down

PUPDATE 2/9/2021

PUPDATE 2/10/2021

PUPDATE 2/11/2021

PUPDATE 2/12/2021
Here is a sneak peak of what his Heel video will look like!

PUPDATE 2/13/2021

Duration down while I eat breakfast
