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Saber| Husky Shepherd Mix| 1 Year Old| Pomona| In Training

This spazzy gal is Saber! She's a playful girl with lots of energy and no clue what to do with it. Saber is really vocal, and has a hard time focusing. She's here for our two week board and train!

Pupdate 10/13/2019

She's doing good! Had some fun exploring her new surroundings, and playing with my dog. She ate half her dinner, and then laid down to relax.


Pupdate 10/14/2019

Practicing down, being goofy.


Pupdate 10/15/2019


Pupdate 10/16/2019

Today we saw some spooky Halloween decorations on our walk. We introduced place today, and practiced holding sit and down for longer durations. She loves to default to down, so we've been practicing going from down to sit.


Pupdate 10/17/2019

Pupdate 10/18/2019

Belly rubs after some training today! We had a nice walk this morning. She got a bit excited when we passed by another dog, and wanted to go play, but we kept on walking and she refocused. Tomorrow we're gonna work around the home depot!


Pupdate 10/19/2019


Pupdate 10/20/2019

Saber and I had a pretty relaxing day. We started our morning with some basics, and then went for our walk. In the evening, we practiced off leash around the neighborhood. Tomorrow I want to take her someplace with some decent foot traffic, and maybe some dogs walking by. Her focus is great around the neighborhood, but she's SO distractable around other people, let alone dogs.

Her basics are pretty solid at this point, we're now practicing with more distractions, and longer durations.


Pupdate 10/21/2019

Pupdate 10/22/2019

Tired girl after our evening walk, laying down to drink water. We had a nice day practicing our heel around a local park, and a shopping center. She gets really excited around people, and wants to greet everyone. We've been practicing sitting patiently while people walk by us.

Pupdate 10/24/2019

Practicing place at home today! We went to the park earlier and she took off running towards a squirrel. I asked her to come with a little stimulation and she stopped mid run to head back to me. Shes got a high prey drive and I'm proud of her for breaking her stride and coming back!


Pupdate 10/26/2019

Spazzy girl running around with the ball today! We went to downtown Riverside this evening to practice our heel around more distractions.

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