Pupdate 11/24/2019
Settling in nicely! She's spent most of the day romping around the backyard with my pup burning energy. We went for a nice walk this evening to refresh heel, and she got back into the swing of it quickly. We worked on some basics tonight, she definitely needs work holding commands with distractions. That's what we'll be doing tomorrow.
Pupdate 11/25/2019
Pupdate 11/26/2019
We started our day with a walk, and then she ate breakfast and we practiced some basics. Tomorrow we're going to a shopping center to work around more distractions!
Pupdate 11/27/2019
Pupdate 11/28/2019
Practicing food refusal! We spent a lot of the day inside today due to the rain, but managed to get a walk in this evening.
Pupdate 11/29/2019
Pupdate 11/30/2019
Practicing off leash at PetSmart this evening! It was definitely a challenge, with all the smells and fun toys, but she did great.
Pupdate 12/01/2019
Pupdate 12/2/2019
Practicing our off leash skills around home depot. Her place needed work, but it's getting solid! Going to downtown HB tomorrow.
Pupdate 12/3/2019