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Paco | Jack Russell Terrier | Venice, CA

Paco, a Jack Russell Terrier from Venice, CA went through the One Week OffLeash SoCal Board & Train Program. Paco was trained by Haley Giwoff in Costa Mesa, CA.

This is Paco! He is a 3 year old Jack Russle Terrier from Venice, CA. He is here with Off Leash SoCal to do a One Week Board and Train Program! He is an affectionate happy guy but he is not good at walking on the leash (if he will do it at all!), he gets overexcited and difficult to manage, and is possessive of his sleeping spot. Stay tuned for his 7 day transformation!


Pupdate 07/12/2020

Paco explored El Dorado park while we were getting acquainted! Over all he is doing well so far, he is such a sweet boy! He is all settled in to his temporary new digs. He peed on just about every individual blade of grass in the backyard and is currently stoked to be napping off duty in his kennel! I can't wait to do his first lesson with him tomorrow!


Pupdate 07/13/2020

Paco did awesome today! He slept like a champ in his kennel last night and has been an angel in it all day. He did his first lesson today and did great! He worked on his Recall and Sit commands after getting introduced to the stimulation from the E-collar. He is eating well and is absolutely ranked from working so hard today!



Paco worked on his recall, Heel, and Sit commands at the duck park today! He came with me to meet up with another trainer and worked with her dog as a distraction! We learned he is pretty reactive to skateboarders, so he got introduced to his Off command as well! I'm going to be taking him next to the skatepark tomorrow so we can keep working on it though. He is coming along awesome!


Pupdate 07/15/2020

Paco worked through a ton of his fear at the skate park today! He started off the lesson bolting repeatedly and completely unable to follow commands. But after some practice and time he got better and better! We are going to go back again tomorrow to work through it a bit more, but I am so proud of the work he did today! He is starting to look sharper and sharper.


Pupdate 07/16/2020

Paco did a second day at the skate park and did so great!! He still had a bit of anxiety but was able to do the weave poles! He is working hard! He is going to be so excited to show off his skills to his parents!


Pupdate 07/17/2020

We did another day at the skate park/dog park and Mr. Paco worked on a bit of everything to be ready for his final video tomorrow! He is looking sharper and sharper with every lesson. He has made so much progress, he was even doing his down on the bench next to the park which is really scary! I am so proud of this guy.


Pupdate 07/18/2020

Paco did his final video today and is all packed up and ready to go home in the morning! He is going to be over the moon to see his parents!


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