Meet Nugget, he’s a year and a half old boxer with an endless amount of energy. Nugget has a high prey drive, he loves to chase after squirrels, rabbits, and birds. His parents walk him on a harness, and have no control over Nugget. I’m here to help Nugget and his family, have a long loving companionship with their pup. He will be attending our 2 week board and training program, and I can not wait to see his transformation.
Pupdate 12/16/2019
Pupdate 12/17/19

Nuggets getting loaded up and ready for today’s adventures.
Pupdate 12/18/2019
Pupdate 12/19/19

confidence building with Nugget.
Pupdate 12/20/19

Putting in some dog distraction work at the Dog Park.
Pupdate 12/21/2019
Pupdate 12/22/19

Nugget weighing in at 58.4 LBS. Oh and can I just say how much he loves the camera.
Pupdate 12/23/2019
Pupdate 12/24/19

Nugget Is so excited for Christmas, he had to take a photo in front of the tree.
Pupdate 12/25/19

Nugget putting in some work before the Christmas festivities start.
Pupdate 12/26/19

Nugget is learning how to be a part of my pack.
Pupdate 12/27/19
Pupdate 12/28/19

Nugget loves going to The Home Depot.
Pupdate 12/29/19

Nugget and I are at the skate park working on our distractions.
Pupdate 12/30/2019

Pupdate 01/01/2020
Pupdate 01/02/20

Nugget getting some work in at one of our favorite parks.
Pupdate 01/03/2020