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German Shepherd - Dog Training | Nikita | North Hollywood, CA

Writer's picture: OffLeash SoCalOffLeash SoCal

Nikita, a German Shepherd from North Hollywood, CA went through the Balanced Canine Training SoCal Board & Train dog training program. Nikita was trained by dog trainer Chris Louie in Norwalk, CA

Nikita is a sweet, loving 1 year old German Shepard, starting a 1 week board and train with OffLeash SoCal. She is a rescue, who’s mom only wants the best life possible for her. Nikita has a high prey drive and a hard time focusing when commands are given. Within just 1 week she will learn leash manners, obedience during distractions, and socialization skills. Check back in for her daily Pupdates.


Pupdate 05/04/2020


Pupdate 05/05/2020

Nikita is doing so great. Today she helped me take the trash cans out while holding a sit, we heeled around the block, and wanted to pose for the sweet photo.


Pupdate 05/06/2020


Pupdate 05/07/2020

Nikita is almost ready to go home. Today we did our daily walk around the block and this good girl listens to her commands, and doesn’t pull on the leash anymore.


Pupdate 05/08/2020


Pupdate 05/09/2020

The gang all hanging out in the shade. Nikita and Chaser go home tomorrow, so we had a nice puppy plate date.


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