Meet Misha! She is an eleven month old Pomsky who has joined us for our Two Week Board and Train Program. She is here for basic obedience, jumping to greet, and not listening to commands. She is very energetic and can also be very stubborn at times. She knows commands but does not follow through with them when she is distracted. Over the next fourteen days, Misha and I will work together and be more consistent with her behavior, with hopes of having her become a well behaved pup. Check in to see her progress!

Misha and I spent the day getting to know each other today. We took a drive to a local park and went for a walk. She was pulling on her leash at times, so I refreshed her Heel and walked in the opposite direction anytime she pulled away. She also jumped on me a few times, but I corrected her behavior by telling her āOff.ā Misha still needs more practice with her Heel, and it will now be implied on every walk we go on from here on out.

Misha and I worked on some more Heel conditioning today and she is showing improvement. Our morning walk was better as she is learning not to jump on me. Misha also worked through the distraction of other dogs barking from a distance in their yards and she did great at not engaging with them. She has been introduced to the E-Collar and she is responding well to it at a low level.

Misha and I worked on Place today. This technique builds confidence in a dog, and can be of great use whenever guests are over or if there is a knock on your door. Although she might still need a little guidance or leash tension at times, Misha is very confident and can hop onto any object once she is introduced to it. I will continue to work on it with her by introducing her to different shaped objects with different surfaces.

Misha and I worked on her recall today which is known as Come to Sit. It consists of having Misha coming towards my right, going around behind me, and sitting on my left. Misha already had an idea of what was being asked of her, but was being a little stubborn by trying to go in between my legs whenever she would go behind me. With leash tension as guidance, Misha has learned to Sit on my left. There are times that she does Sit to the side of me, but we will continue to clean it up by using ninety degree walls as a barrier to sharpen her up.

Misha and I spent some time at home today while I got some work done in my backyard. We went out for our daily morning walk throughout my neighborhood and had some breakfast shortly after. After a nap, I took her out back and let her run around as I threw a ball around with her. Misha also got to enjoy some playtime with her new friend Oliver in the front yard. They have become good friends and they get along really well.

Misha and I worked on Down today. It can be a difficult technique to teach considering it is a submissive position to a dog. It can also make them feel vulnerable being down on all fours. Misha understands the concept, but during our session there were a few times where Misha was being a little stubborn and did not want to do it. It took a few attempts with breaks in between to avoid frustration, but Misha is following through the more we work on it.

Misha and I drove out to a local shopping center and worked on what she has learned throughout her first week on leash, and around different distractions such as dogs and other people. She is a very confident pup and enjoys placing on any object anytime I ask her to. She is doing great and she is improving with the loose leash walks. With week one coming to a close, Misha has learned all of her commands and will soon begin working with her leash dragging, in order to prepare her for her off leash experience.

Misha and I drove out to a local Home Depot and began working on some leash dragging exercises. She did fall behind a few times during our walk throughout the store, but with some verbal encouragement and by walking a little faster, Misha and I are cleaning it up. She did very well with her stationary positions and is doing great around different distractions. Misha also practiced on her Come to Sit by using the aisles as barriers to keep her from sitting off to the side, and she isis showing improvement the more we work on it.

Misha and I drove out to a local park today and met with other trainers who assisted us by serving as a distraction. She does very well with other dogs and does not engage or react towards them. We are also working on a longer recall and I am introducing her to placing from a distance. She is understanding the concept but still needs a little more practice. Throughout this week, Misha and I will be out in more distracting public areas as she begins to prepare for her Final.

Misha and I have been working on her Greeting Manners in which she has shown a big improvement in. She has learned that she is to remain in a Sit whenever she is approached by someone that wants to say hello. It was difficult for her to do so in the beginning of her training, since she would come out of her Sit whenever I stepped away. With repetition and consistency, Misha has managed to successfully be greeted without coming out of her Sit.

Misha has been practicing Food Manners ever since I picked her up. She would Sit and almost immediately come out of it as soon as I placed her bowl on the ground. To keep Misha from doing so, I picked the bowl up and asked her to Down. Once in a Down, I placed the bowl on the ground again, waited a few seconds, and then released Misha with a Break. Every meal consisted of the same approach with the only difference being the time increase Misha would have holding her Down. She has made great improvement and can now wait for her food patiently for two minutes.

Misha and I worked on some off leash conditioning today at a local beach. She worked around different distractions such as dogs, joggers, bicycles, and skateboards. She did great and remained at my side throughout our walk. We also worked on some stair exercises in which Misha needed a little guidance in since she would get ahead of me when going down. By walking at a slow pace to keep her next to me, I was able to have Misha follow through.

Misha and I have been working on Door Manners since the day I brought her home. Anytime I opened a door, Misha would Sit and wait a few seconds before running off and wanting to be the first one to go through. To help her into not doing so, I would ask her to Down when we approached a door. Once in a Down position, I proceeded to open the door, and made sure Misha remained in her position. When I opened the door, every time she came out of her Down, meant the door would close, and the process would repeat itself.Ā Once Misha understood what I was asking, I began to increase time and distance to keep her in a Down longer, which led to Misha achieving her two minute goal.

Misha has completed her Two Week Board and Train Program and is ready to come home. She is very bright and will continue to thrive in her training with consistency. I want to thank you for giving me the opportunity to work with Misha, and for also trusting me while she was under my care. We became great friends and I will miss her companionship. Thank you Misha!
