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Mabel | Staffordshire Terrier Mix | 7 Months | Glendale| In Training

Pupdate 1/5/2020

Mabel is settling in well! She was a little barky on the way home, but was very happy to be running around the backyard when we arrived. I introduced her to my pup and they ran around the backyard for a bit playing fetch. We introduced the E-Collar on a short walk and she did well. We spent most of the day decompressing, but we did work on a bit of basics while playing with a ball. We haven't broken out any treats yet, but she's very toy motivated and it's been fun incorporating obedience into playtime. We're settling down for the evening now and getting ready for bed. She didn't finish all of her food but she ate most of her dinner.


Pupdate 0106/2020


Pupdate 1/07/2019

Mabel out and about in the neighborhood! We practiced loose leash heeling, and introduced place today. She's a little stubborn, but very smart.


Pupdate 01/08/2020


Pupdate 1/09/2020

We made some good progress with "down", and holding our sits for a longer duration today! We're about to head to the home depot to practice around some people and work on our leash manners.


Pupudate 01/10/2020


Pupdate 1/11/2020

We spent most of our day practicing our loose leash heeling! We stopped by the home depot for some socialization but left shortly after she got a little too overwhelmed with how many people there were. We'll try again tomorrow in the morning when it's a little less busy.


Pupdate 1/13/2020

Practicing our off leash basics in the front yard! She loves to wander but her recall is improving everyday.


Pupdate 1/14/2020

Practicing our food refusal skills around other puppy distractions! She's been doing good with her basics, and is starting to get the hang of staying in heel. She jumps up a little when she's really excited sometimes but we've still made good progress with controlling that impulse.


Pupdate 1/16/2020

Working on holding commands, even with a good amount of distance! This has been the biggest challenge for her, because she loves to be close to wherever you are.


Pupdate 01/17/2020


Pupdate 1/19/2020

Practicing our offleash skills at a nearby park! Shes still a little timid heeling off leash around people, but with some enthusiastic encouragement she got over some of her shyness and was able to enjoy the walk.


Pupdate 1/20/2020



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