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Lucky | Bernedoodle | Playa Vista, CA | In - Training

Meet Lucky! A 11 month old Bernedoodle from Playa Vista California! He is here because he doesn’t come when called, jumps when greeting people, and needs to learn basic obedience. Lucky is very friendly, eager to learn, and super cute! Lucky is here for our 2 Week Board and Train Program! Stay tuned for Lucky’s 14 day transformation!


Pupdate 03/20/2022

Today Lucky and I worked at my house. Lucky and I worked on his recall and extended sit. Lucky did well with his recall. At times when I called Lucky to come he would sniff the ground so I made sure to tell Lucky off when sniffing. Lucky did such a good job today. He is adjusting well to his temporary home. We also went on a walk today. Lucky has been such a sweet boy and he has been so fun to be with.


Pupdate 03/21/2022

Today Lucky and I went to the park. Lucky and I worked on all of his commands but we did focus on his recall and extended down. At first Lucky didn't want to stay in down. He would go down and than pop back up. What I did was step on the leash so he was not able to pop back up and eventually he understood what was being asked of him. Lucky has been such a good boy and so much fun to be with.


Pupdate 03/22/2022

Today Lucky and I went to Lowes. Lucky and I worked on all of his commands but we did focus on his extended down and extended place. Lucky was still trying to pop up when asked to be in a down but when I corrected Lucky he understood what was being asked. Overall Lucky did such a good job with all of the distractions around. Lucky has been such a good pup.


Pupdate 03/23/2022

Today Lucky and I went to the park! Lucky and I worked on all of his commands but we did focus on his extended down. Whenever Lucky goes in a down he does try to pop back up so we will continue to work on this with him. Overall Lucky did good with distractions but he did get scared of a skateboard so we will work on this with him as well. Lucky has been such a good pup!


Pupdate 03/24/2022

Today Lucky and I went to the Valencia mall. Lucky and I worked on all of his commands but we did focus on his heel and recall. Lucky did such a good job staying in commands for a duration amount of time. Lucky has been such a good pup and he is improving each day we train!


Pupdate 03/25/2022

Today Lucky and I went to Santa Monica Pier. Lucky and I worked on all of his commands but we did focus on his heel and extended place. Lucky did such a good job today with all the distractions around him. Lucky is improving each day we train!


Pupdate 03/26/2022

Today Lucky and I went to Hobby Lobby! Lucky and I worked on all of his commands but we did focus on his heel and extended down. Lucky did such a good job today. I also had Lucky off leash inside the store and he did great. Everyone thought Lucky was such a good pup. He is improving each day we train!


Pupdate 03/27/2022

Today Lucky and I worked on all of his commands. But today we did focus on his food manners and door manners. Lucky does get excited to go outside but he was able to stay in a down until being told he can come out. Lucky did such a good job today and he is improving each day we train.


Pupdate 3/28/2022

Lucky was transported to his new temporary home. He adjusted well to the change and is also working well for me. After a little OffLeash work he was introduced to a 5 year old lab and 10 week old Goldendoodle. It took him some time to come out of his shell, but once he did he began playing with the puppy. Lucky is very submissive when playing and let’s the puppy run all over him.


Pupdate 3/29/2022

Today Lucky and I spent some time OffLeash at a local mall. Overall, he did very well but had a couple bumps in the road. In the beginning he tried to stick his nose to the ground while heeling throughout the mall. When we passed motorized wheelchairs he was very interested and tried to follow to inspect them. After being reminded of his command he immediately followed though. Since he is still learning those reminders will benefit him tremendously. As long as we do our part in letting him know what his job is, Lucky does well. I have noticed Lucky sometimes struggles with greeting strangers. If he is approached in an appropriate manner he does good. When someone with high energy approaches him, Lucky often breaks his command, jumps and may even piddle.


Pupdate 3/30/2022

Lucky spent some time playing with his roommates. While Lucky enjoys playing with other dogs, he is not happy about sharing toys. He likes to play keep away and keep all the toys to himself. We also went to Cheviot Hills to work on his OffLeash obedience. He continues to improve on his commands but loves to be a busy body sniffing around when in a Down. I continuously remind Lucky of his commands, so he performs them more consistently. As most pups, he like to see what he can and can't get away with.


Pupdate 3/31/2022

We spent most of the day out in Manhattan Beach today. Then we met up with other trainers to get in some work. While we were out Lucky was spooked by a skateboarder. When we were approached by the skateboarder from the front, he wasn't phased. It seems like when he can't see them coming is when it startles him. At home he tried to open the door and counter-surf. After he was corrected he didn't try again but I could see him having an internal debate. Keeping up with everything is crucial for him to understand the new rules implemented.


Pupdate 4/1/2022

Today lucky and I went to the Block of Orange to do some shopping and practice for his final video. Lucky did amazing today with all his commands. We also worked on Greeting Manners. Even though lucky was excited and started to have a "wiggle body" he maintained his seated position. He was such a good boy today!


Pupdate 4/2/2022

Today we took a trip out to the Santa Monica Pier. Lucky continued to be such a good boy and did very well OffLeash. The birds did test his impulse control. When given a simple reminder he remained in command. He has made great a improvement on his Door Manners but will try to open the door to come inside at times. Again, a correction will reinforce what is and isn’t okay.

We are excited to show you everything he has learned!


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