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  • Writer's pictureAmanda Lascari

Leia | Husky | La Puente, CA | In Training

Leia, a 5 month old Husky, has joined Offleash SoCal for our 2 week board and train program. Leia comes to us with typical puppy behaviors: energetic/hyper, jumping, mouthy, leash pulling, etc. Over the next 2 weeks, Leia will be working on her off leash obedience and manners. Check in to see her progress!


Pupdate 8/24/2020

Today Leia was introduced and conditioned to the e-collar. We practiced the command Come to Sit. She did pretty good for her first day, she caught on very fast. We worked on her food manners, having to wait and focus on be before I allowed her to eat her food. No potty accidents in the house.


Pupdate: 8/25/2020

Today i took Leia to the park to continue practicing come to sit. She learned a new command, Place. Place is where she has to sit or lay on an object. This is a great command for confidence building as well as learning how to be calm and relaxed. Potty training is coming along, she did have one accident in the house.


Today Leia practiced Place some more. She Has this command down pretty well. Come to sit is still a work in progress, she easily gets distracted or she will try to ignore me when she doesn’t want to listen anymore. No potty accidents in the house.


Pupdate: 8/27/2020

Took Leia to the park to work on commands. We practiced her loose leash walk. Still needs some work but she did very well. She pulls a little when she gets distracted but not a much as before. No potty accidents in the house.


pupdate: 8/28/20

I took Leia back to the park to do more obedience work. Today we practiced a New command, Down. We will be practicing this command a lot more, since its not one of favorite commands to do. No potty accidents in the house.


Pupdate 8/29/2020

Today Leia and I went to a local church in the neighborhood to work on commands. She practiced come to sit, place, heel, and down. No potty accidents in the house.


Pupdate: 8/30/2020

Today I took Leia to the park to work on all her commands. She tried place on a new object today, the picnic table. Leia is coming along well with her training. She is almost ready to start working off leash. We just need to work more on focusing and not getting so easily distracted. She is having fun with all her doggie friends at the house. She has a blast running around and playing. Potty training still going great, no accidents in the house.


Pupdate: 8/31/2020

Leia training at Lowe’s with her buddy Patty. Today was her first day practicing commands off leash. We practiced heel while I dropped leash and had her drag it as she walked by my side. Still a work in progress, but she did very well for the first time without me holding the leash. No accidents in the house.


Pupdate 9/1/2020

Today Leia and I went to the park to work on commands. We practiced heel without me holding the leash. She did a lot better today and stayed right at my side. We also practiced duration where she has to hold the commands as I walk away and move around her until I release her from the commands. Today she saw a couple of horses. She did very good, didn’t bark or growl, she just observed them as they walked by. No potty accidents in the house.


Pupdate: 9/2/2020

Today Leia and I went to a local school playground to work on off leash commands.


Pupdate 9/3/2020

Today Leia and I went to the park to work on off leash commands. She practiced off leash heel, duration down/sit, come, and place. She tried place on a large bloulder.


Pupdate 9/4/2020


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