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  • alyssadogtrainer

Labradoodle | Yeti | Fountain Valley, CA | In-Training

Meet Yeti! Yeti is a 15 month old Labradoodle from Fountain Valle, CA! Yeti is joining us for our Two Week Board and Train Program. Yeti needs help with basic obedience and manners. Yeti tends to pull heavily on leash, loves to jump up when greeting new people and will rush out any open door. He has a hard time listening and can be a bit stubborn at times. Yeti is such a sweet boy and he can’t wait to show you all that he learns! Watch out for Yeti’s 14 day transformation.


Pupdate 5/22/2022

Yeti and I spent the day getting to know each other. He was really timid and hesitant with me and didn’t want to come out of the kennel. Once he was out he kept trying to rush back to the car or rush into the kennel. After a couple of minutes he didn’t mind walking with me to the grass area. We had our first lesson today where we introduced the e-collar and his first commands ‘come and heel’. He was a little spooked by the sensation of the e-collar but adjusted to it quickly. He did try to spin in his leash a couple of times when we were walking but caught up to me after a couple of encouragement. He would also stop dead in his tracks after walking for a bit. He learned his ‘come’ command quickly but still struggles with sitting when asked. Overall, he did a great job today and settled into his kennel nicely at home. He did get a bit car sick, he was drooling excessively. He nibbled a bit at his dinner and didn’t go potty.


Pupdate 5/23/2022

Yeti and I worked on his ‘heel’ and ‘come to sit’ command at Wilderness Park. He didn’t like any pressure on the leash so he would try to jump up at me and try to wiggle and spin. After a couple of reps of walking back and fourth Yeti seemed to calm down a bit and was able to walk a lot better. He was really interested in every dog or person that passed by and wanted to walk up to them. We worked on his ‘come to sit’ but it did take him a bit to get used to the command since he kept wanting to sit with this back facing me to people watch. Yeti is struggling a bit with his commands and is taking a while to get used to them. He did have an accident in the car this morning and peed a bit in the kennel. It wasn’t a lot and was likely due to him getting a bit car sick. He ate all of his breakfast and dinner.


Pupdate 5/24/2022

Yeti and I spent the day working on his ‘heel’ and his ‘come to sit’. We worked around my neighborhood as well as a local park. He did have a really hard time staying next to me and would pull in the opposite direction. We’re working on having him walk a little closer to me and keep my pace. He did a lot better with his ‘come to sit’ but would turn the opposite direction before sitting in the correct spot which is by my left leg. He is slowly learning and is improving. He did get spooked by cars that would pass by and would jump a bit and kind of scurry ahead. We also worked on getting him a bit more neutral walking by my car and into my home since he wants to rush and jump up. Yeti ate all of his breakfast and dinner and enjoyed some play time before bed!


Pupdate 5/25/2022

Yeti and I went to Home Depot today to work on all of his commands. He is doing a lot better with his ‘heel’ and isn’t pulling me as much. He was able to stay to my left and was able to walk by dogs without being too interested in them. He did have a bit of trouble with some of the loud noises but was able to recover quickly! He is having a bit of trouble with his going potty in his kennel. He will go potty outside but will piddle in his crate. It isn’t much but he will go in the kennel in the car and at home. Overall, he is doing great and is eating all of his food.


Pupdate 5/26/2022

Yeti and I worked on all of his commands today at a local park. It did take him a bit of time to get back in the groove of training. He was really distracted and kept wanting to sniff the ground. While we were trying to ‘heel’ he did try to run after a squirrel and wouldn’t stop looking for them. Overall, he is doing a lot better with his commands but still needs a lot help with his ‘heel’! He ate all of his breakfast and dinner.


Pupdate 5/27/2022

Yeti went to Santa Monica Promenade to work on all of his commands. He has a bit of trouble adjusting to the new environment and was really timid. He was able to do all of his commands really well in the beginning but then got a bit overwhelmed and refused to do them. He was a bit stubborn today and didn’t want to even walk next to me. He would walk really far behind and then rush to catch up. He also didn’t want to down. It took me a couple of times of me asking and helping him to actually make him down. He would do his commands fine one minute then wouldn’t want to do them the next. He is learning all of his commands and is doing them well when he chooses to do them. Yeti has also been shaking his head a lot lately. This could be due to an ear infection or something stuck inside of his ear. I did check his ear out and one of his ears seemed to be really dirty. If he recently got groomed the irritation in his ear could be from them pulling hairs in his ear. Either way I am keeping a close watch on it. Yeti is doing a lot better at not peeing in his kennel right after he goes potty outside. He still had an accident in the car today so I had to rinse him off again.


Pupdate 5/28/2022

Yeti and I went to Petsmart to work on all of his commands. He was a little overwhelmed in the beginning going into Petsmart but then was able to relax and focus on doing his commands. Yeti knows all of his commands and does them really well when he wants to. He tends to lag behind me significantly when we’re walking and needs a bit of encouragement to keep up. At times he’ll give up and just want to lay down mid walk or simply not do it. I’m trying to push him through his stubbornness and make him a little more excited to do all of his commands. He didn’t go potty in his kennel today after going potty outside! We also passed by multiple dogs and treats and he did a great job staying focused and ignoring them. There were a couple of people who came over to let him so he did get a bit excited for that but he didn’t try to jump up at them. Yeti ate all of his breakfast but only half of his dinner. He isn’t skating his head as much anymore after giving him some of his ear drops.


Pupdate 5/29/2022

Yeti and I worked around my neighborhood to get him used to all of the distractions working with a loose leash. He did a great job and I was even able to drop the leash and work on his commands. It did take him a bit to get the hang of everything especially with no leash guidance. He did great overall but would still lag a bit behind. He really struggles with not wanting to sniff everything. He ate half of his breakfast and dinner and had some free time to play after training!


Pupdate 5/30/2022

Yeti and I worked on all of his commands today at Legg Lake. We worked on doing them all with a very loose leash. He still tends to get distracted if we’re passing by a grassy area or even puddles on the floor. He does great with all of his commands but will at time get a bit lazy and lag behind me. We’ve been working on having him keep my pace. He is doing a good job overall but still needs to work on not needing as much leash guidance. He tends to be a bit more stubborn especially if he knows he’s not on a leash. Overall, he’s being a good boy and is learning so much.


Pupdate 5/31/2022

Yeti and I worked at El Dorado park today. We worked on all of his commands with the leash on at first then with the leash dragging. He did amazing when he knew I was holding the leash but the moment the leash would drag he would take any opportunity to lay down and refuse to move or wander off to other people. By the end of our session today Yeti was doing all of his commands with a dragging leash. He didn’t wander off as much but still tried to push some boundaries by refusing to do anything. He knows all of his commands but there will be times when he gets stubborn and will just stay put or not not do anything. He did have an accident in the kennel on the way to the park but didn’t have any accidents on the way back. He has gotten a lot better at not going potty in the kennel after he’s already gone potty. He’s slowly getting the hang of everything and is improving every day. He ate all of his breakfast and dinner.


Pupdate 6/1/2022

Yeti and I went to Downtown Brea today to work on all of his commands with a dragging leash. He is getting a lot better and doing all of his commands with me but at times will decide he doesn’t want to train anymore. He has improved significantly passing by grass and doesn’t try to sniff everything we pass. He enjoyed some play time with his buddy, Max today and was able to run around and have fun. Overall, Yeti is such a good boy!


Pupdate 6/2/2022

Yeti and I went to Stonewood mall today to work off leash around distractions. He really didn’t like the yelling and running kids so he would get spooked at times. He did a really good job with his ‘heel’ but was still a bit stubborn at times. We spent the rest of the day with working on all of his house manners. He really enjoyed the dog bed I had in my living room and took a nap. He is such a good boy and has learned so much. He ate all of his breakfast and dinner!


Pupdate 6/3/2022

Yeti and I went to Santa Monica Pier to work on all of his commands off leash. He did really great but did get spooked by a couple of strollers. Yeti was able to walk off leash as well as hold all of his commands. He has improved so much and is being a good boy! He ended his day with some play time at a local park before bed.


Pupdate 6/4/2022

Yeti and I spent the day at a local park working on all of his commands and having some off leash fun! He is such a good boy and did such a great job. We even spent some time in my home lounging and letting him have a break from all of his training these last two weeks. He didn’t go potty in the kennel today. Yeti got a bath and is ready to show you all he’s learned.


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