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Labrador Retriever - Dog Training | Kennedy | Rancho Cucamonga, CA

Writer's picture: OffLeash SoCalOffLeash SoCal

Kennedy,​ a Labrador Retriever​ from ​Rancho Cucamonga​, CA went through the Balanced Canine Training SoCal Two Week Board & Train dog training program. Kennedy was trained by ​dog trainer Wyatt Harris in Ontario, CA​.

Kennedy the 5 month old black lab is here for our two week board and train program. He's a super excited pup who is curious about the world. We will be spending the next two weeks learning some fundamental commands, practicing focus and learning control. We're so excited to get started on our training!


Pupdate 05/18/2020

Kennedy out on our walk today getting used to the E-Collar. He responds well to it and we got right into command practice. When not training he is definitely a talker. We are working on not rewarding his bark behavior.


Pupdate 05/19/2020

Kennedy marked his nose up over night trying to use his muzzle to push the door on his crate open but he is soldiering on through the day and doing great learning some of his new commands. He certainly suffers from some separation anxiety which we are working on but a smart and obedient boy when it comes to command work.


Pupdate 05/20/2020


Pupdate 05/21/2020

After observing Kennedy and his eating habits we have switched him over to a slow feeder bowl. It brings his meal time up from 10 seconds to 10 minutes. This is much healthier for him also gives him something to keep busy with. Practicing being calm and focused before I give him his meal.


Pupdate 05/22/2020


Pupdate 05/23/2020

Kennedy out working with the rest of the team today. We worked our commands around distractions and with other handlers. Very proud of Kennedy's progress and ability to hold his place command along with all the other older dogs. Good job buddy!


Pupdate 05/24/2020


Pupdate 05/25/2020

Kennedy practicing some more off leash commands. He is getting better and paying more attention daily. Certainly still the same excited young pup that he is but after getting some of that wild energy out via exercise he becomes very cool, calm and relaxed. In this state he excels at his commands


Pupdate 05/26/2020

Another group activity today getting Kennedy some time around lots of other pups and building his confidence up more. Practicing the place command in front of the pond.


Pupdate 05/27/2020


Pupdate 05/28/2020

Some off leash left and U turn practice out in front of a local school today. This constant left and u turn practice teaches Kennedy not to walk infront or pull while on or off the leash. It's a very effective and easy exercise to practice!


Pupdate 05/29/2020

Getting some duration down in. One thing that is a struggle for Kennedy is laying down for extended periods of time. Since he is just an excited puppy we have been slowly building up his will to lay down and stay that way for longer and longer each day.


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