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Jude | Golden Retriever | San Pedro, CA | In-Training

Jude is a 19 month old Golden Retriever from San Pedro, CA here for our three week Board and Train program. Jude is great with people and has a fun personality. He loves his family too. He loves people so much he gets very excited when people come over to the house. Jude has some other behavioral issues like play biting and eating everything he can fit in his mouth! Over the next three weeks, Jude will learn how to properly behave and listen to commands so his family can take him on lots of hikes. So keep checking his pupdates for his PAWsome transformation!


PUPDATE 2/27/2022

Jude going on those great nose-safari’s

Already buddies!

I spent most of the day having Jude get used to everything at my house. He was extremely stubborn to get back in the car crate today. He pulled me a lot going on a nose-safari at the park. Jude was interested in my Golden, Mira, very quickly and they sat together for a couple minutes. I can tell he is a very distracted pup so we will be working on that. I was unable to get his initial weight today due to scale not working but I will get it tomorrow!


PUPDATE 2/28/2022

Jude worked on the first lesson of Come to Sit. Overall, he did quite well! Since he had previous training, I think it was easier for him to understand the concept better than most pups. He did get distracted with all the smells at the park before we started training. I am going to let him smell around before we train when we go to new places because it seems to satisfy him and it helps get it out of the way so we can focus on training. He did SO much better getting in and out of the crates so that was a huge win today. He is eating his food but leaving some left in the bowl. Jude is drinking, peeing, and pooping normally


PUPDATE 3/1/2022

He was focused on the invisible ball I was holding up

Look how cute!!

I took Jude to a local park to see how well he does with some distractions. Overall, he did well with people around him. I noticed he is very uncoordinated and it was difficult for him to get on some place objects. Last night, he had some loose stool and later today I figured out why. I was at the park with him and he pooped out a surgical mask! Thankfully he passed it! He is feeling much better now. He is not eating too much but I am checking his weight. He was playing with the other Golden Retriever puppy today and it was very cute to see them enjoying it!


PUPDATE 3/2/2022

I worked mostly on the place command today since he is sometimes unsure about them. Once he knows the object to place on, he does better but then he gets off it quickly. My plan is to have him go on as many place objects as possible and once he feels confident with that, then I can work on duration training. He was doing much better with heeling each time we walked which is great news. He did have some moments of pulling when he really did not want to do something he used his strength. He ate all his food last night and this morning so that is great.


PUPDATE 3/3/2022

I LOVE taking his picture

Today was a very successful day for Jude. I went to a park to work on all his commands and introduced the advanced command of Send Away to Place. At first, he did not seem to understand what was being asked but I had him figure it out and he did well. I worked with another trainer and her pup for socialization as we walked through the park. He was behaving very well. Great day Jude!


PUPDATE 3/4/2022

I took Jude to a new park to work mostly on his heel command. Overall, he was doing very well! He kept at my side the majority of the time and I used the e collar to guide him back. He still was distracted with other dogs at times so we will be working on that. He was listening much better today! He was eating better today too.


PUPDATE 3/5/2022

I took Jude to his first public outing at a local outdoor mall. Overall, he did very well. He was still getting used to walking next to me continuously because sometimes he wanted to pull. He was doing much better going on different place objects. He almost went into the fountain because he saw the water! He was great at his down command throughout the training session.


PUPDATE 3/6/2022

I worked on the down command at the local park with Jude today. We were also there to practice some distraction work. It was a great exercise for him to stay in a down command while objects were moving around him. This will help his habit of eating things he is not allowed to. After, we played fetch and he was great at it!


PUPDATE 3/7/2022

Jude had a great day at the Northridge mall. I met up with another trainer and her training dog to work on socialization as well as our commands. He was doing much better with staying in commands and there was a lot of progress to his heel today. Slippery floors were not ideal for him as he kept slipping. He did much better on all the place objects I put him on. He is eating, drinking, peeing, pooping normally.


PUPDATE 3/8/2022

Jude had a very exciting day at the Century City mall. I feel very confident in his duration commands, sit, and down. He is very sensitive to the e collar so he shakes his head. His heel was good but sometimes I felt him walking ahead of me and that was when I used the e collar. To help this, I will be practicing left hand turns to pay more attention to me as we walk. Other than that, he did wonderful today!


PUPDATE 3/9/2022

I took Jude to a local outdoor center to practice all his commands and worked on his commands off leash a little bit. He was a rockstar at Send Away to Place and his duration commands. I worked on his Come to Sit command off leash and he seemed a little confused when I did not guide him a little with the leash. He shook his head a lot more today so I checked his ears and there was no redness seen. I will keep you updated.


PUPDATE 3/10/2022

I took Jude to another outdoor mall in West Hills to see how he does off leash. Today was the first time I had him off leash in a big public setting and overall he did very good! I’m very happy with how well he did with all his commands. As you can see in the video, he did stop in front of me when I asked him to come. It seemed like patting my left leg helped him understand what I’m asking him to do. I wanted to show you how he did on two different place objects because when there was smaller objects to go on, he seemed very unsure and nervous. The majority of the time he heeled very well with me but sometimes he got too confident in his abilities and walked a little ahead of me. Not too bad the first day off leash!


PUPDATE 3/11/2022

Jude did really well at the local outdoor center near my house. We worked on all of his commands and he did great with send away to place. He was a lot better with the place objects that he was uncertain of so that is good to see. I also placed him in a Duration down while kids were playing and he did good at that. He was Offleash the entire time and he stuck by me about 90% of the time. Overall good day!


PUPDATE 3/12/2022

I took Jude to the Simi Valley Mall to practice another place for distraction work. Overall he did OK. There were some bumps in the road. He sometimes still walks ahead of me and when I try to use the e collar and say Heel, he shakes his head. The main command I will be focusing on is his heel and going at my pace. It seems like he just wants to walk ahead just a little bit as if to see if I will notice. He did great with Down and Send to Place.


PUPDATE 3/13/2022

I took Jude to the DIY center and I focused more on his heeling today. Overall, he did much better with his heel. I still had to remind him a couple times to keep at my pace but when he did stay by me, he did great! I tried placing him on many different objects as I could to work through the times he seemed unsure. There was only one place object he was nervous to get on so that is great progress. His duration commands were good today too. He is eating/drinking/peeing/pooping normally.


PUPDATE 3/14/2022

I took Jude to the Third St Promenade to work on his off leash commands in a more more distracting environment. Overall, he did very well. His heel was much better today walking through people and listening to me. There were some moments where I used the e collar more to remind him to slow down and go at my pace. He did great at the send to place command but it sometimes takes him a couple moments to turn around and sit on it. He did great with his duration commands!


PUPDATE 3/15/2022

I took Jude to the Citadel Outlets to work on more distractions and he did great! I was so impressed by his heel today! He was so sharp and was focused on me. Way to go Jude! He did get up sometimes during duration down and duration place but overall he did well. He practiced greeting manners with two people and he sat well while they pet him. He did not try to jump but he just wanted to get closer to them! Great day!


PUPDATE 3/16/2022

Jude had a great day in the shopping center in Santa Monica. He was off leash the entire time and he was a rockstar! I feel very confident in his off leash abilities. He did get a little excited when a small dog passed by so I had to make sure he was still heeling properly. He sometimes was confused when I asked him to go under a place object and he went on top of the place object instead. When that occurred, I made sure I let him figure it out on his own so he can learn from the mistake. He is eating, drinking, peeing, pooping normally.


PUPDATE 3/17/2022

I worked on the Under command with Jude and he did really well! Sometimes it was difficult for him and he did not go underneath all the way. He was pretty good at staying in Under while I got up and walked around so that was great to see. We also worked on door manners. It took a couple tries for him to realize he needed to stay there even when he did not see me. He continues to be a fast learner and figured it out quickly. Overall, he did great today!


PUPDATE 3/18/2022

I took Jude to the Northridge outlet center to practice his off leash abilities. He was very excited to go out and explore this new place so he walked ahead of me a lot in the beginning. I used the e collar to remind him he still had to listen even when he was excited. He went on every place object very well and did his under command well too. Sometimes he did not go under all the way so making sure he follows through with the command all the way is important for him. I can't wait to show you how much progress he made!

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