Day of drop off 04/26/2020

I’d like to welcome Chaser the 5 year old French Bulldog, to the OffLeash SoCal clan for his two week board and train. Chaser comes to us because he tends to bully his dog siblings, as well as his humans. He likes to think he runs the house, and shows it by marking his territory and reacting aggressively. With the right amount of training, and even more love Chaser will be the dog his owners have always wanted.
Pupdate 04/27/2020
Pupdate 04/28/2020

Chaser is getting some good distractions in. This helps him break out of his shell and be more comfortable with me.
Pupdate 04/29/2020
Pupdate 04/30/2020
Pupdate 05/01/2020

Chaser is building confidence with his abilities. I promise he went down the slide on his own, without help.
Pupdate 05/02/2020
Pupdate 05/03/2020

Chaser loves hot bath time.
Pupdate 05/04/2020
Pupdate 05/05/2020

Chaser is feeling much better he ate over half of his rice broth, and got to hang out and relax with the Biggs.
Pupdate 05/06/2020

Chaser had a nice relaxing day today. He got plenty of water, he ate half of his rice broth, and about 4 greenie treats. He is enjoys getting some love and attention.
Puodate 05/07/2020

Chaser had some great energy today so we did some light training. We walked to the end of the block and back. Chaser loves to go towards the front door whenever we pass the house, so I will make his practice duration sit before we go home.
Pupdate 05/08/2020
Pupdate 05/09/2020

Chaser got to say goodbye to all of his friends, while we had one last puppy play date.