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  • Writer's pictureAmanda Lascari

Buckley | Cavapoo | Los Angeles, CA | In-Training

Buckley, a three month old Cavapoo, has joined OffLeash SoCal for our Three Week Puppy Board and Train program. Buckley comes to us with typical puppy behaviors: little knowledge of commands, being easily distracted, not walking properly on leash, play biting, and jumping. Over the three weeks Buckley will be working on his on leash obedience and manners. Check in to see his progress!


Pupdate 7/5/2023

Buckley is settling in well at my home. He got to meet my pack. He is having fun socializing and playing with his new friends.


Pupdate 7/6/2023

Today Buckley and I went to the park to work on his obedience. Today we practiced Place, Sit, and Down. Place is a command where Buckley must sit or lay on a defined object. This command is great for building confidence, as well as teaching him to be calm and relaxed. Buckley did very well and caught on quickly to his new command. He had a great first day of training.


Pupdate 7/7/2023

Today Buckley and I went to the park to work on his obedience. We practiced more of his Place, Sit, and Down commands. We started on his recall and his walk. We definitely need some more practice, but Buckley did a great job. His heel is much better. He is walking closer to my side and staying focused on where I’m walking.


Pupdate 7/8/2023

Today Buckley and I stayed home to work on his obedience commands. We practiced all his commands. We worked on his distance and duration. He is getting better at holding his commands longer, but it is a little hard for Buckley when I try to walk away from him.


Pupdate 7/9/2023

Today Buckley joined me on a little shopping spree at the the mall. We worked on his obedience around many people distractions. He was a bit distracted at first, but as we walked around and trained Buckley was able to settle down and focus on his commands. He seemed to have an upset tummy there morning. He had very soft stool. I fed him white rice and boiled chicken which really helped. By the end of the day his stool was back to normal.


Pupdate 7/10/2023

Today Buckley and I went to the park to work on his obedience. We met with another OffLeash SoCal trainer and her dogs, so he could practice around other dog distractions. Buckley was a bit distracted at first and wanted to say hi to his new doggie friends. As we continued to train, he was able to focus and ignore the other dogs.


Pupdate 7/11/2023

Today Buckley and I went to the park again to work on his commands. We worked on his distance and duration. At home we practiced his door manners, teaching Buckley to wait at thresholds until given permission. We also practiced his food manners, having him wait until given permission to approach his food bowl.


Pupdate 7/12/2023

Today Buckley and I spent the day down at the beach. He practiced his obedience commands around many distractions. He did pretty well. We were able to pass by many dogs. Buckley would notice them, but would look back to me and continue on the walk. He did well with all the bikes, rollerblades, and skateboards. We had a few people approach us and ask if they could pet Buckley. He tried his hardest to sit politely while people pet him, but he couldn’t resist getting up to say hello.


Pupdate 7/13/2023

Today Buckley and I went back to the beach to work on his commands. He did a great job! He was more focused and less worried about the other dogs, bikes, and people. Buckley receiver quite a few compliments on his good behavior.


Pupdate 7/14/2023


Pupdate 7/15/2023

Today Buckley and I went to the park to work on commands. We worked on his distance and duration. Once it started heating up, we went home to stay cool. Buckley spent the rest of the day playing and socializing with his friends.


Pupdate 7/16/2023

Today Buckley and I worked on his obedience around the neighborhood. We practiced more of his distance and duration. He helped welcome a new pack member to the house. Buckley and Winter, the cattle dog mix, hit off right away. He has a new best friend with just as much energy as him.


Pupdate 7/17/2023

Today Buckley and I went to the park to work on commands. We met with other OffLeash SoCal trainers and their dogs, so he ad plenty of dog distractions to work around. Buckley was a bit distracted with the other dogs. He wanted to go say hi to all of them, but I made sure that he followed through with his commands.


Pupdate 7/18/2023

Today Buckley and I went to the park to work on commands. He did pretty well. The only major distractions we had were the ducks and geese. Buckley was really interested in them. It was hard for him to focus at first, so I let him sit and watch them for a little while, as they swam around in the pond. Once he got over them, he was back to focusing on me and following his commands.


Pupdate 7/19/2023

Today Buckley and I went to the mall to work on his obedience around distractions. At first, was pretty distracted with his new surroundings, but as we walked around and practiced his commands, Buckley was able to settle down and focus on his commands. He was the center of attention today. Everyone wanted to come up to him and give him pets and affection.


Pupdate 7/20/2023

Today Buckley and I went to the park to work on his commands. We met with other OffLeash SoCal trainers and their dogs, so Buckley had plenty of dog distractions to train around. He did very well he was focused and obedient.


Pupdate 7/21/2023

Today Buckley and I went to Santa Monica to work on his obedience around high distractions. He did great healing around with his buddy Lambo. He didn’t try to pull the people to say hi although he was a bit more distracted by all the different smells on the ground. He was being a little lazy and was having troubles holding his sit position .  He did not mind any of the crowds of people, carts rolling by, other dogs or distractions in general.


Pupdate 7/22/2023

Today Winter and I worked on her obedience around the neighborhood. She was being a bit stubborn today and not wanting to listen. I made sure she followed through with her commands. After some repetition, Winter started to behave and follow her commands.


Pupdate 7/23/2023

Buckley has been doing an amazing job with his obedience training, so I decided to let him have a break today. I and let him play and socialize with his friends. He assist me with being a distraction for his other training buddy. Buckley got to run around and play while his friend had to stay focused and follow her commands.


Pupdate 7/24/2023

Today I took Buckley and his buddy, Winter, to the park to work on their commands. We met with other OffLeash SoCal trainers and their dogs, so he had other dog distractions to work around. Buckley did great! He was focused and obedient.


Pupdate 7/25/2023

Today I took Buckley and his buddy, Winter, to the mall to work on their commands. Buckley did very well and followed all his commands. He received a few compliments on how well behaved and how adorable he is.


Pupdate 7/26/2023

Today I took Buckley down to the beach to work on his obedience around distractions. He did very well. He did great around the bikes and rollerblades. Buckley great around other dogs. He was more interested and distracted with the pigeons and seagulls.


Pupdate 7/27/2023

Today I took Buckley to the mall to work out of the heat and practice his obedience around distractions. As usual, Buckley was very well behaved and followed his commands. He had many people approach him that wanted to pet him. He sat nicely while everyone gave him affection.


Pupdate 7/28/2023

Today Buckley and I trained at home to stay out of the heat. We worked on all his commands. We worked on his duration in Place. I turned on the sprinklers and let him and his buddies run around in the water to stay cool.

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