Bronson, a French Bulldog from Camarillo, CA went through the Balanced Canine Training SoCal Board & Train dog training program. Bronson was trained by dog trainer Wyatt Harris in Ontario, CA.

Bronson is here with us for our two week board and train program. He is a very spunky little guy with lots of energy who tends to have some selective hearing when it comes to listening to commands. We will be working heavily on his leash manners and getting him to focus.
Pupdate 01/27/2020
Pupdate 01/28/2020

Bronson gearing up for our field trip today. Rocking the pink leash. Bronson is definitely a stubborn Frenchie but we're making progress everyday. He is doing very well with walking on the leash without pulling.
Pupdate 01/29/2020
Pupdate 01/30/2020

Doing some training at Venice beach today. Bronson is getting better at listening even in crowds of people. Some distractions still wig him out but he’s getting better. He LOVES the sand.
Pupdate 01/31/2020

Practicing lots of place today. Bronson is getting much better at holding place even when I create distance from him. He waits until he hears the break command.
Pupdate 02/01/2020

Today we worked on heeling. Some more heeling. And then even more heeling after that! Bronson knows the command well but has moments where he decides he'd rather do his own thing or just take a seat to have a moment. As of today he will be continuing his training off leash for the next half of his stay with me.
Pupdate 02/02/2020

Bronson on our night walk. I asked him to place on this bench and although it was a bit too high for him to jump up on his own , with some assistance he made it up and held place while I took some pictures of him. His confidence his sky high.
Pupdate 02/03/2020
Pupdate 02/04/2020

Bronson practicing his commands in front of an audience this morning. He was tough enough to hold his sit even through a group of kids begging to pet him.
Pupdate 02/05/2020
Pupdate 02/06/2020

Practicing place at Victoria Gardens today. Bronson was off leash the entire time we were there and did great!
Pupdate 02/07/2020

Bronson practicing some food refusal animal style at in n out. He was the star of the patio when I placed him on the bench for a quick photoshoot.
Pupdate 02/08/2020

Congratulations Bronson! He has finished his two weeks with me and goes home in the morning. He's an official Off Leash Graduate now. He earned it!