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Betty Lou | Pug | Fillmore, CA | In Training

Meet Betty Lou! She is a 7 month old Pug from Fillmore, California here for our Two Week Board and Train program! Betty Lou is a friendly and playful pup who has a tendency to jump on friends and family at the ranch. She also struggles with pulling on the leash and coming when called. Over the next two weeks, Betty Lou will learn how to behave on leash and off leash, how to properly greet people and other dogs, and how to be the best pup she can be! Stay tuned for Betty Lou's Two week transformation!

_______________________________________________ Pupdate 01/29/23

Betty Lou and I spent some time at a local park to see what she knew and get familiar with each other. She struggled on the leash and kept running in circles wrapping herself up. She did not want to get into a sit or down and when I asked her to come, she would run to me and then run away. We had a couple dogs pass by us and she showed some slight reactivity in the form of jumping up and barking. We then headed home to let her get acclimated to her new environment before we get started with some training!


Pupdate 01/30/23

Betty Lou and I started off some training in home to work on introducing the remote collar and her come to sit command. She is a bit more timid than her sister was but she started to get into the swing of things by the end of our first session. She struggled popping into a sit at times but does fantastic coming all the way into my space. We then spent some time bonding and headed off on a walk. She had a tendency to want to walk in between my legs and not on my left side so we will continue working her through that!

_______________________________________________ Pupdate 01/31/23

Betty Lou and I headed off to a couple local parks to focus on her come to sit command, loose leash walking and introduce place. She did much better with her come to sit command but still struggles popping into a sit at times but with a little tap on her butt she gets into it quickly. We also worked on her loose leash walking and introduced her place command which she picked up quickly! She did show some more reactivity today around dogs passing by and struggled keeping her focus and attention when we were close to them but did great at a distance. We will continue working on that socialization with her and pushing her through that. 

_______________________________________________ Pupdate 02/01/23

Betty Lou and I headed off to Glendale to work around some dogs and other trainers. She showed some slight reactivity when we first started but within a few minutes she paid no mind to the dogs around her. Today she really got into the swing of things with her loose leash walking and come to sit command. She still needs a little reminder at times to sit behind me and not on my feet, but we will continue working her through that. She did great with her place command and tomorrow we are going to work on finding some new place objects! 

_______________________________________________ Pupdate 02/02/23

Betty Lou and I headed off to a couple local parks to work on all of her commands and start to add some distance to them. We worked on downs briefly last night and today we slowly added them in. She is doing fantastic dragging the leash with the exception of wanting to do a quick run around me when I ask her to sit at times. She is a bit stubborn with her downs but as she gets tired she gets into them much easier. We will keep pushing her tighten up all these commands before we get started on some off leash work! 


Pupdate 02/03/23

Betty Lou and I headed off to a couple local parks and Lowes today. Today we focused on tightening up all of her commands while dragging the leash and finding some new distractions. She still needs a few reminders to hold her sit command but did fantastic overall. There was one dog she barked at while out at the park but did not break her heel command. Over the next few days we are going to be focusing on downs as she struggles with them when we are outside and people are passing by us.

_______________________________________________ Pupdate 02/04/23

Betty Lou and I headed off to a local park to start working on all of her commands off leash. At times she still gets confused about staying on my left side when the leash is removed but nothing we will not be able to work her through. We also worked on starting to add some more duration and distance when working on her place command. We passed a whole group of other dogs training today and she paid no mind to them and showed no signs of reactivity! 

_______________________________________________ Pupdate 02/05/23

Betty Lou and I headed off to a busy softball game to work around some distractions dragging the leash. She did great but did struggle at first with all the kids running around. We then headed off to the other side of the park to work on all of her commands off leash. We focused on tightening everything up  today and over the next few days we are going to focus on adding more duration and distance to all of her commands!

_______________________________________________ Pupdate 02/06/23

Betty Lou and I headed off to a couple local parks to work on all of her commands dragging the leash and off leash. Today we focused on downs with her. She at times still needs a light amount of leash pressure to get into the down command but by the end of our session today she was doing it all on her own! We also started working on sending her to place as well as creating some more distance with her holding her place command. She needs 1 or 2 reminders at times, as she still has a tendency to break when it is not time to. 

_______________________________________________ Pupdate 02/07/23

Betty Lou and I headed off to a couple new parks and a local outlet to work on all of her commands off leash. The past few days we have been focusing on downs and today it all came together. She at times now likes to automatically lay down instead of sit when I ask her to so we will continue working her through that! She did get spooked by a group of kids running by and her ears perked up and let out a low growl but she did not break her heel command. She is such a blast to work with and has made great progress in such a short time. We will continue focusing on sharpening up all of her commands over the next few days. 

_______________________________________________ Pupdate 02/08/23

Betty Lou and I headed off to meet up with some other trainers and work around some new dogs. She did fantastic today working though all of her commands dragging the leash and off leash. She did break place one time and started barking when a large dog passed by in a car barking loudly at her. She quickly got back onto place and stopped barking after I reminded her place. We focused on her come to sit from a distance and holding downs when other dogs are walking by. She is a rockstar and continues to improve daily! 

_______________________________________________ Pupdate 02/09/23

Betty Lou and I headed off to Lowes and a local park to work on all of her commands off leash. We focused on her come to sit from further distances and holding downs when dogs and other people walk by. She got multiple compliments today on how well behaved she was! We then headed home to work on her door manners which she has mastered. This is crucial for her as the last thing we want is a dog bolting out the front door and into the street. 

_______________________________________________ Pupdate 02/10/23

Betty Lou and I headed off to Santa Monica first thing this morning to work on all of her commands off leash. She did fantastic today as usual and has so much fun training. She was a bit timid when the cars and carts were rolling down the pier at first but after about 10 minutes she paid no mind to them. We then headed home to work on her food manners and let her have some play time with my other board and train. They are so silly together and very playful! 


Pupdate 02/11/23

Betty Lou and I headed off to a couple local parks to continue working on all of her commands off leash. She did fantastic today but did have a tendency to want to scratch at her tail. I took a close look and saw nothing but will keep an eye on it. We then headed home to work on her crate manners which she excels at now. She is looking forward to showing off all her new skills tomorrow!


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