Bentley is here joining the team as a part of our two week board and train program. He is an excited young pup who gets anxious and a bit overwhelmed at times so we will be doing lots of socialization and confidence building exercises. Staying cool calm and collected around distractions when completing his commands is the goal and Bentley is eager to begin learning.
Pupdate 03/09/2020

Today Bentley learned the "place" command. We worked heavily on getting her comfortable to step on this new foreign surface. She got a bit anxious about it to start and didn't like it but after some putting some reps in Bentley was confident to jump up on it every time. Fast learner!
Pupdate 03/10/2020

Today we waited for a break in the rain to take a long walk to a local park and get some training in outdoors. Bentley is starting to be much more comfortable around me and with the E-Collar. He is doing very good with the heel command but is still a bit nervous when it comes to completing the place command on a new surface. Confidence building everyday!
Pupdate 03/11/2020

Bentley being king of the rock! I was so proud of Bentley today because the last few days he has been very nervous to place on high objects but today he overcame his fear and jumped up on this high rock and held it there until I said break! Definitely showing an improvement in confidence but we have some more work to do.
Pupdate 03/12/2020

We got lucky this morning and got a head start to beat the rain. We took a nice long walk down to Lowe's where we continued training in doors once the storm hit. Practicing heeling around light distractions and calmly greeting strangers. Bentley is a bit of a nervous pup around some people but as his confidence builds that will become less of an issue for him. Spending the rest of the evening training in doors to stay nice and dry !
Pupdate 03/13/2020

Bentley and I training in doors today staying dry and practicing holding commands while I become a huge distraction trying to break his focus. He is beginning to hold out until he hears break and Is making me very proud!
Pupdate 03/14/2020

Lots of heel practice this morning. Bentley is getting good at Auto sit during our walk meaning when I stop walking he stops too and sits down on his own. Less nervousness around loud cars driving by us on our walk today.
Pupdate 03/15/2020
Pupdate 03/16/2020

Bentley out on our walk today. Even got a bit of off leash work today. He is really doing much better at pushing through distractions out on our walks. His heel is getting tighter and he is not trying to control the direction of our walk at all anymore. Great progress these last couple of days.
Pupdate 03/17/2020

Practicing down at an empty school today. For mine and Bentley's safety we are keeping our distance from others. One the bright side we have lots of freedom to train in empty parks. Bentley is better with down now and will hold the command even from far away until he hears break.
Pupdate 03/18/2020

Working all Offleash today knocking out some heel practice and some more challenging place objects. Bentley is still a bit nervous to get on higher objects and needs some encouragement before climbing up there.
Pupdate 03/19/2020

More off leash today! Bentley is doing great at sticking by my side and having fun practicing his commands everyday. Im seeing a more confident dog than the boy I met 2 weeks ago.
Pupdate 03/20/2020

Bentley has been practicing potty training so much the last two weeks and he has been killing it! We have created a routine for taking him out to use the restroom in the same spot at generally the same times everyday. Bentley is very good about telling when he needs to be let outside and on going potty on command once we get outside. No accidents in the house and I am very proud of the little guy.