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  • Writer's pictureAmanda Lascari

Alfi | Bernese Mountain Dog | Altadena, CA | In-Training

Alfi, an eight month old Bernese Mountain Dog, has joined OffLeash SoCal for our Two Week Board and Train program. Alfi loves all dogs, but is very timid around people. He knows commands, but chooses when he wants to follow them. Over the next two weeks Alfi will be working on his off leash obedience and manners. Check in to see his progress!


Pupdate 12/5/2021

Alfi has settled in well at my home. He is a bit hesitant with me and my family. He is more comfortable around the dogs. He isn’t interested with playing with them yet, but he is comfortable being around them.


Pupdate 12/6/2021

Today Alfi and I worked on his obedience at home. We practiced come, sit, and place. I’m going to be doing things a bit different with Alfi than I did with Cosmo. I’m not introducing Alfi to the ecollar until he builds trust with me, I don’t want to make him more scared of me than he already is. In the video you can see we are working with just leash pressure. I keep tension on the leash when he is resisting, but once he moves forward I loosen up the leash. As the we keep practicing, you can see Alfi start to move forward or do the commands kore willingly. It‘s going to be a slow process with him, but more we work through his fear the more confident and calm.


Pupdate 12/7/2021

Today Alfi and I stayed home again to work on his commands. He is still nervous at my house and with me, so taking him out will only stress him out more. I am starting to get a little trust, from Alfi, to want to be a little closer to me. In the video you can see that I am not using as much leash pressure as yesterday. He isn’t resisting as much.


Pupdate 12/8/2021

Today I took Alfi out around the neighborhood to work on his commands. He definitely was nervous and very distracted. Place is now his favorite command to do. We worked on his Come to Sit command. It’a not perfect, but he is catching on.


Pupdate 12/9/2021

Today Alfi and I went to the park to work on his commands. He is getting better at Come to Sit. We started working on the Heel command today. He actually did pretty well with this command. He was definitely nervous being out, but was still able to focus and follow commands. My back is no longer sore from lifting Alfi, he jumps into the car with ease!


Pupdate 12/10/2021

Today Alfi and I went to The Grove to work around distractions. Alfi was very nervous and distracted. In the video you can see he knows his commands but isn’t focused on me because he is worried about everything going on around us.


Pupdate 12/11/2021

Today Alfi and I went to the park to work on his commands. It wasn’t that busy at the park, but Alfi was very nervous and unfocused. We worked through it. There was an incident where a loud motorcycle road by and Alfi tried to bolt. I held onto the leash as tight as I could until he calmed down. We took break from training and I let him relax. I noticed he popped a blood vessel in his eye from pulling so hard against his flat collar. These kinds of eye issues do happen in moments of intense fear/stress and generally resolve on their own in a few days, but I will be monitoring it. He is not ready to be worked off leash.


Pupdate 12/12/2021

Today Alfi and I stayed home and worked on his obedience. Training went a lot easier today, a lot easier for him to focus and not be so nervous. Alfi did a very good job. Alfi has become more social with the pack, engaging in play and being around them.


Pupdate 12/13/2021

Today I took Alfi to the Block at Orange to work around distractions. In the video you can see how anxious he is when we first got there. We just sat for awhile and I let him observe all the passing people. He calmed down a little bit, but not fully relaxed. Alfi was more responsive with following commands even though he was busy looking in every direction.


Pupdate 12/14/2021

Today Alfi and I worked on his training indoors to stay out of the stormy weather. Alfi and his buddies worked on their place commands while watching me wrap gifts. They didn’t let the rain stop them from having a good time. I think that was the best part of their day and my worst part of the day, having to blow dry the three of them when they were done.


Pupdate 12/15/2021

Today I took Alfi to Huntington Beach to work around distractions. It was nice. There were very few people at the beach, so it wasn’t too overwhelming for him. He did very well with listening to all his commands, but Alfi‘s lack of focus on me is still a struggle.


Pupdate 12/16/2021

Today Alfi and I work on his obedience at home. He was a very good boy and listened to all his commands, even with his friends being a distraction. We also worked on some door and food manners.


Pupdate 12/17/2021

Today Alfi and I went to the Block at Orange to work around distractions. Alfi did pretty good. He was nervous, but Alfi followed all his commands.


Pupdate 12/18/2021

Today Alfi had a light day of training. I took him to the park to work on his training. Alfi spent the rest of the day socializing and playing with his buddies. He can’t wait to go home tomorrow and show you all he has learned!

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