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Oliver | Cavapoo | Los Angeles, CA | In-Training


Meet Oliver! Oliver is a 13 month old Cavapoo from Los Angeles, CA! He is joining us for our One Week Board and Train Program! Oliver pulls heavily on leash, is easily distracted by other dogs and loves jumping up when greeting new people. Throughout the week, Oliver will work on his basic obedience and learn how to properly walk on leash! Oliver is a super sweet and gentle boy who is ready to learn! Watch out for his 7 day transformation!


Pupdate 2/6/2022

Oliver and I had our first lesson at a local park today. We introduced the e-collar and his first command, ā€˜heelā€™. At first he was unsure of what the e-collar was but after a couple of minutes Oliver seemed to understand it. Oliver did really well learning ā€˜heelā€™. He started off by pulling heavily on leash and soon didnā€™t pull as much once he understood what I was having him do. He did try to run up to a couple of people who were playing soccer at the park. We also introduced his ā€˜comeā€™ command as well as his ā€˜sitā€™ command. Oliver ate all of his dinner and enjoyed a couple of kibble pieces before bed. Oliver is being such a good boy and has settled into his kennel nicely!


Pupdate 2/7/2022

Oliver worked on his ā€˜sitā€™ and ā€˜heelā€™ command today at Legg Lake Park. We worked around other trainers and their pups. Oliver is still getting used to the e-collar but is doing really well! We worked on his ā€˜heelā€™ throughout the day. He would try to veer off in different directions or try to approach people and dogs that passed us. With a couple of corrections, Oliver got the hang of walking right next to me and at my pace. Oliver did have a lot of trouble with his ā€˜sitā€™ command. He knows ā€˜sitā€™ but wonā€™t do it unless thereā€™s a treat or heā€™s told multiple times. After working on ā€˜sitā€™ for a couple of minutes he picked up on sitting a lot quicker. He worked around other dogs today so that was a bit challenge for him since he loves to socialize. He did a great job at trying not to walk up to them. We introduced ā€˜downā€™ as well as his ā€˜comeā€™ command! Oliver is doing such a great job and is learning so much!


Pupdate 2/8/2022

Oliver worked on his ā€˜sitā€™ and ā€˜downā€™ commands today with durations. He did struggle with his ā€˜downā€™ but after a couple of reps he was able to get it. His ā€˜sitā€™ has gotten a lot better, he doesnā€™t struggle to sit as much and will actually do it a lot quicker. If thereā€™s distractions it may take more time. Oliver is doing great with his ā€˜come to sitā€™ command. At times heā€™ll get in the right position but other times he stops short. Heā€™s still getting used to the leash tension and will try to bite the leash or wiggle out of it. Majority of the day was spent working on his ā€˜heelā€™. It has gotten a lot better but he still tries to walk ahead of me or weave to the side. If there are people passing or dogs in the distance, heā€™ll stop and stare and wonā€™t move until I give him a bit of leash pressure. We ended the day by introducing ā€˜placeā€™. At first he was really unsure about jumping on different surfaces but gained a bit of confidence once he got a lot of reassurance! Overall, Oliver is being a good boy and is learning so much! He ate all of his breakfast and dinner!


Pupdate 2/9/2022

Oliver worked on all of his commands at The Grove today. He has gotten a lot better with his ā€˜heelā€™ but still needs a bit of guidance when doing his ā€˜come to sitā€™. Oliver has improved with his ā€˜downā€™ and ā€˜sitā€™ command and will hold them for a while until given his ā€˜breakā€™ command! Oliver had a couple of dogs pass him today and he didnā€™t make an effort to go up to them like he used to! He is being a really good boy! We also went to a park near The Grove where we worked on his ā€˜placeā€™ command. He has gotten a lot more confidence and isnā€™t as spooked by a lot of things such as bikes or loud children! Overall, Oliver is being such a good boy and is learning so much! He ate all of his breakfast and dinner and even enjoyed kibble in between training sessions!


Pupdate 2/10/2022

Oliver went to Petsmart today where he was exposed to a lot of different smells! We worked on all of his commands and he did amazing! He did get a bit distracted by some of the dogs and people but didnā€™t make an effort to walk up to them. He stared at them but continued working. Oliver worked on his ā€˜come to sitā€™ today and did a lot better! He is getting the hang of coming around my left side but will sometimes get distracted and stop short. With a couple of corrections Oliver does a lot better! Overall, he is being a good boy and is learning so much!


Pupdate 2/11/2022

Oliver went to Santa Monica Pier to work on all of his commands today! He did amazing with all of the noise and distractions. He did get a bit startled by the waves but was able to recover quickly. We worked on ā€˜placeā€™ and he did a great job ignoring people as they passed and talked to him. Oliver did struggle with his ā€˜come to sitā€™ in the beginning but after getting used to his new environment, he relaxed and was able to do it. Oliver did amazing walking through a big crowd but at times would walk a little far out. Overall, Oliver did a an amazing job!


Pupdate 2/12/2022

Oliver worked at The American at Brand where we focused on his ā€˜heelā€™ and ā€˜come to sitā€™! He did really great with all of the people and dogs today. He didnā€™t make an effort to walk up to anyone and was focused on his commands. He struggled a bit with his ā€˜come to sitā€™ but after a couple of reps he was able to do it! Oliver is a really good boy and did amazing! We also went to a local park today for some play time where Oliver was able to run around and roll in the grass. His playful side came out and he was really happy to play today. He ate all of his breakfast and dinner and enjoyed kibble in between training sessions! He canā€™t wait to show you all that heā€™s learned!


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