Puppy Obedience Training Program Santa Monica
This will give your new puppy a good foundation for basic obedience! Also, during the training, Offleash SoCal can teach you how to house train your puppy in order for it to quit having accidents in the house! Additionally, Offleash SoCal will train it to let you know when it has to go outside! During these sessions, Offleash SoCal also answers any questions you have regarding your new puppy or its’ training.
Introduction To:
“Crate Training”
“Teaching Pup to let YOU know he/she has to potty”
“Leave it”
Puppy Training / 1 Session $250.00.

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Board & Train
Board & Train
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Basic and Advanced Obedience Package
Basic and Advanced Obedience Package
This package is for those who really want their dog to be rock-stars! This includes 8 lessons.
Advanced Obedience Training
Advanced Obedience Training
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Therapy Dog Development Program
Therapy Dog Development Program
8 private lesson course which includes the 4 basic obedience lessons followed by 4 lessons tailored to you and your dog passing the Therapy Dog Certification.