Sunshine, a Chiweenie from Los Angeles, CA went through the Balanced Canine Training SoCal 2 Week Board & Train dog training program. Sunshine was trained by dog trainer Joey Madrid in Santa Ana, CA.
Sunshine is a sweet, timid 4-year-old from Los Angeles. She is joining us for our Two-Week Board & Train. She loves people and is very smart, but does not like other dogs and is possessive over bones. I can't wait to see how she does these next two weeks!

Pupdate 11/08/20

Sunshine spent her first day getting to know the house. She also had her e collar introduction. She was not happy to find out I lived with other dogs but we will be working on that. She also was not a fan of going outside when it was sprinkling. She ate all her food plus treats, she seems to be adjusting well.
Pupdate 11/09/20

Sunshine worked on come, sit, and break today. Her new favorite command is break and crate! She does not like walking in the cold but that's understandable. She began her duration place training and the basics of down and heel. She ate all her breakfast but did not finish her dinner. She also met my parrot today and was too confused to know what to do. We will check back in and see if she has other thoughts tomorrow.
Pupdate 11/10/20

Sunshine had a big day today! We went to a new park to work around other dogs! We practiced all our commands to build her confidence while the other dogs were training too. We also worked on her door and food manners. She ate all her food in the morning and almost all of her food for dinner. Her weight is staying the same which is good.
Pupdate 11/11/20

Sunshine spent the day at a new park working around another trainer and her dogs. Sunshine made a lot of progress from the other day. She was able to get much closer to the dogs and let them work on their own needs. She also worked on heeling and duration place.
Pupdate 11/12/20

Sunshine spent the day working on her manners, crate, door, and food manners. She also watched the movie Killers while rocking her duration place command. We worked on heeling around the neighborhood and doing duration sits and downs on different textures.
Pupdate 11/13/20

Sunshine spent the day working around the neighborhood. We worked on her paying attention while the dog walked by in the front yard and while on place inside. We also worked on expanding her manners to dragging the leash and adding distractions.
Pupdate 11/14/20

Sunshine went to the park with some other dogs. She worked on adding objects to her place command, recall around other dogs. We also worked on her food manners and crate manners!
Pupdate 11/15/20

Sunshine worked on her commands while dragging her leash outside today. We worked around other dogs and adding distractions. We added more dog distractions and worked on her distance with sit and down, aka puppy push-ups.
Pupdate 11/16/20

Sunshine worked on making better choices today around lots of other dogs. She met my German Shepard, Sergeant to work on staying on place when other dogs are playing. We also went to a nearby basketball court to people snd puppy watching! We finished the day at a shopping center to work around higher traffic areas while dragging the leash!
Pupdate 11/17/20

Today Sunshine worked on her puppy push-ups around other dogs and off-leash heeling at the park! We worked on recall and heeling with distractions and adding distance to our puppy push-ups. We also worked on adding distance to our manners; crate, door, and food.
Pupdate 11/18/20

Sunshine went back to the park to work on her off-leash heel. Then we worked on adding different textures and moving place objects to build her confidence! She enjoyed my homework, the moving cart, and the chair leftovers, it gave her that mother of dragons vibe.
Pupdate 11/19/20

Sunshine went to the park to work off-leash around other dogs! She worked on doing all her commands around the other dogs who were also in training. She was not a fan of being near bigger dogs but we worked on building her confidence and letting her know these dogs were also in training and under control so she had nothing to worry about. We also went for an off-leash night walk to work on her staying close while heeling.
Pupdate 11/20/20

Sunshine had a blast showing off her off-leash heeling around town today. Walking to the park and crossing streets! We also worked on puppy push-ups on different surfaces. Along with her door and crate manners.
Pupdate 11/21/20

Sunshine spent her last day going to a new park with her friend Stitch! We worked around dogs, ducks, kids, and wheels all off-leash! She went home and continued to work on her food, crate, and door manners while I took out the trash! We finished the night by packing her bag and giving her lots of snuggles!