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Basil | Shepherd | Los Angeles, CA | In - Training

Meet Basil! A 6 month old Shepherd from Los Angeles California! She is here because she pulls on the leash, and needs to learn basic obedience. But she is very loving and smart. Basil is here for our 2 week board and train program! Stay tuned for Basil’s 14 day transformation!


Pupdate 08/08/2021

Basil and I trained at my house yesterday. We got to know each other and Basil is such a sweet girl! We worked on her recall and heel. Basil is still learning these commands but she is very smart. I’m excited to see Basil’s improvements in the next 14 days!


Pupdate 08/09/2021

Basil and I went to Golden Valley Park. We worked on her heel, recall, and duration down. Basil is such. Smart girl and making improvements each day! Basil has been so fun to work with!


Pupdate 08/10/2021

Basil and I went to David March Park! We worked on all her commands but focused on her recall, heel, and place! Basil is such a smart girl and she is making improvements each day!


Pupdate 08/11/2021

Basil and I went to Lowe’s! We worked on all her commands! We focused on her heel, duration down, and duration place! Basil is doing such a good job and making improvements each day!


Pupdate 08/12/2021

Basil and I went to the Valencia mall. We worked on all her commands but focused on her heel, duration down, and duration place. Basil is improving each day on each of these commands! Basil is eating all her food. She has been such a sweet girl!


Pupdate 08/13/2021

Basil and I went to the Valencia mall! We worked on all her commands but focused on her heel and her being in a command for a duration amount of time! Basil is a very smart girl and she is improving each day!


Pupdate 08/14/2021

Basil and I went to Bulldog liquidators. I wanted to work her where there was plenty of distraction’s. We worked on her heel and duration down. Basil is eating all of her food and improving daily!


Pupdate 08/15/2021

Basil and I worked near my house. We worked on all her commands and she did well! We also worked on door manners and Basil did such a good job! Basil is a very smart girl and is improving each day!


Pupdate 08/16/2021

Basil and I went to Griffith Park. We worked on all her commands. We also got to train with other dogs and many other distractions. Basil is improving each day and she has been such a good girl.


Pupdate 08/17/2021

Basil and I went to Home Depot! We worked on all her commands for a duration of time and she did great! We also worked her with another dog and they both heeled around the store. Basil is such a smart girl and improving each day!


Pupdate 08/18/2021

Basil and I went to the Valencia mall! We worked on all of her commands and she did great! We also worked on all her commands for a duration amount of time. Basil is improving each day!


Pupdate 08/19/2021

Basil and I went to Century City mall. We worked on all her commands and basil did such a great job! We also worked with other dogs near by and basil did good and is improving each day


Pupdate 08/20/2021

Basil and I went to the Valencia mall! We worked on all her commands for a duration of time! Basil did a really good job and she is so excited to show your family what she has learned!


Pupdate 08/21/2021

Basil and I trained near my house. We worked on all her commands as well as door manners. Basil did amazing and she’s ready to show her family what she has learned!


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