
Ricky | Goldendoodle | Los Angeles, CA | In Training

Updated: Jan 6, 2021

Please welcome Ricky the six month old Goldendoodle from Los Angeles here for the three week board and train program. Ricky is very sweet and gentle, loves people and other dogs, yet has some difficulty coming when called, picks random things off the ground, and pushes back when being readied for a walk. Keep checking back to see Ricky's transformation from good to great!

Pupdate 11/29/2020

Ricky is so calm for being so young! He slept the whole car ride and was very quiet. Once we got back to the house, we went on a walk to get him familiar with my neighborhood and all the sights and sounds that go with it. He was a little nervous and reserved on the walk, but this gave me some alone time with him so I could try to understand his personality even more. Overall, he is a super sweet and gentle pup; I even got kisses today.

Pupdate 11/30/20

Today has been great! Ricky is starting to feel more comfortable in my home as well as the leash. We worked on not being so afraid of the leash and of his harness. He's learning it's not as scary as he thought it was and that leashes mean walkies! This morning he pranced around my yard in the sun and then sat for some pictures in the sun. He also pranced on his walk today as well as if he was saying "check me out!". So far, he and I have agreed that classical music is awesome!

There was also some playtime this afternoon with his favorite toy, Lambchop while I was working on homework in the office and some cuddles too!

Pupdate 12/1/20

Sweet boy Ricky did his first set of lessons today. We got used to the E-collar and he learned his recall. He did very well even though he is still unsure of the leash while being inside the house. He is always a prancy puppy on his daily walks and loves the wind in his fur. Ricky got to meet my nephew today and they played in the living room for a bit before my nephew left. He's such a happy pup and I can tell he has settled in nicely. After dinner tonight we had some playtime with his favorite toy and dancing to Spice Girls while my roommate cooked in the kitchen. He is eating great, sleeping well and doing really awesome overall!

Pupdate 12/2/2020

What an exciting day we had! This morning Ricky met Pumpkin, my roommates' 10-month-old French Bulldog. They hit it off right away and chased each other around the yard for almost an hour before both of them were too tired and laid in the sun. After breakfast, Ricky and I went on our usual walk around the neighborhood. Later in the afternoon, we worked on Come to Sit in the front of the house on the 15 ft lead. Today he was a bit stubborn but in the end, he accomplished this command no problem. He was also introduced to Heel a little as well this afternoon.

Pupdate 12/3/2020

Today was a full day for Ricky! We went over his Recall and Come to Sit and then learned Heel, Down and Place. Place was his easiest command so far to learn (he learned on a dog bed, on a rock and on a metal square object in my neighborhood), Down took some time but he eventually figured it out while Heel is slightly more difficult for him. He is used to walking in front and pulling while on the leash a bit so I think it's the biggest change for him so far. He was definitely tuckered out by the end of it and took a well-deserved nap in my office while I did some work on my laptop. Good job today Ricky!

Pupdate 12/4/2020

Today we worked on commands at the park out in public with many distractions and Ricky did so well. He was not bothered by people walking by, playing sports, kids playing in the park or other dogs. He was definitely complimented a few times as well. I was told how smart and handsome he was by an elderly couple and an older gentleman commented on how smart he was (he watched us training earlier). Ricky did place on a few different objects that he was a little unsure of but once he realized these objects were stable, he had no problem getting up on them.

Pupdate 12/5/2020

Ricky experiences Home Depot today! It was more crowded than I had anticipated but Ricky didn't skip a beat. We practiced Down, Place, Sit and Heel with some Come to Sit. It has been chilly up here recently so we didn't spend too much time in the garden section. We did work on his Heel inside next to some plant displays. There was a family with a couple of little girls who passed by and said "what a good boy" while he was in his Sit. We also started practicing our commands with some distance as well. It was a little difficult but I know he will get it the more we practice.

Pupdate 12/6/2020

Today we practiced getting in and out of the crate in the back of my car plus we worked on all the commands at the park with so many distractions (people, kids, other dogs, squirrels and even ducks). We also started working on commands without the leash. Ricky definitely knows his stuff and he did super well today! At the end, we were both tuckered out and he slept on the car ride home.

Pupdate 12/7/2020

Ricky and I did a lot of work today at the park inside the tennis court area. Our main focus today was to practice being off leash in a secured area while building trust with each other before we practiced off leash commands out in public. Ricky was a complete rock star today! Later on we went to Lowes and practiced all commands with the leash dragging behind us. There were a couple mistakes, but nothing too bad. He did awesome!

Pupdate 12/8/2020

Ricky made his first trip to Lowes and what an adventure it was! We practiced all his commands, Place included! The big thing is Place on different objects, surfaces, and textures - Place can be anywhere! This helps him with his balance as well. We Placed all over Lowes - on carts (metal and with wheels), tables, benches, on wood and on large planters. Ricky loved it the whole time and the attention he got from being a good dog from everyone at Lowes.

Pupdate 12/9/2020

Over the last couple days, Ricky and I have gone to Lowes and Home Depot to not only practice all the commands in public with distractions but also Place on multiple items to help get him used to being on different surfaces. I believe he has Placed on almost 30 different objects (both sit and down). We also started to practice Place under objects as well. Ricky definitely enjoys our outings to Lowes and Home Depot. Today we also visited a new park, practiced Heel, Come to sit and Come to heel plus he learned what noise a row of bleachers sound like when he jumps up on them.

Pupdate 12/10/2020

Ricky and I had so much fun at the park! We practiced more Sit with distance and distraction plus Down and Place with the same distance and distraction. At one point, I took a break, sat down on the grass and Ricky wanted to break with me. Talk about a photo op!

Pupdate 12/11/2020

Today was an exciting day for Ricky! We warmed up here at the house, in the backyard and in the front; practiced loading into the crate in the car and then off we went! Ricky rocked all of his commands, off leash hand in public. After our outing, he was so tuckered out, he laid in the big dog bed I have in my office with my roommates' dog Pumpkin for about an hour or so. I am so proud of all his progress; he is doing such a fantastic job!

Pupdate 12/12/2020

We hung out at Lowes again today and got some cute photos next to the Christmas

decoration section. We also worked in the yard some today too. After we put work in, Ricky wanted to play with his LambChop and a tennis ball I had in the office. He is such a goof!

Pupdate 12/13/2020

Today we worked on Distractions, Distance and Duration while doing the commands. For this, we went to the park near my house that also has a dog park. We didn't go into the dog park area, but we stayed outside of it and used the other dogs as distractions. We also practiced Place to Place and Under. Ricky is getting better and better by each passing day!

Pupdate 12/14/2020

Today we went walking around town and practiced Under with a bike rack. Ricky did very well with this command and all of the other ones we did while we were out. It was a bit more chilly and windy today than it has been. once the temperature started to drop we packed it up and headed back to the house.

Pupdate 12/15/2020

We went back to the DMV today and practiced Heel (plus Sit, Down & Place). I apologize for the bad angles. The wind up here can be super strong as it was earlier and kept knocking down my camera and tripod. We did Heel weave poll style - in and out of the cylinder cones on the sidewalk. Everyone was very impressed with how smart and well behaved he was. He also Loads/Unloads in the car very nicely and has learned Door manners as well.

Pupdate 12/16/20

On the agenda for today was a few different things. First, we went to the park and continued practicing all of our commands (Place, Come, Heel, Sit, Down, etc). Ricky loves the park! When we arrived back at the house we worked on Food and Door manners plus Load & Unload in the car. Also, I think he loves this dog bed. Every time I turn around he is sprawled out all over it!

Pupdate 12/17/2020

With Ricky going home in a few days we have been doing all the commands over and over to make sure they are locked down tight. Today we worked on his Place to Place and Heel with a Come to sit. We have also been working on his Door and Food manners (there will be a video of this soon). He is definitely a Rock Star when it comes to these!

Pupdate 12/18/2020

Ricky and I were able to get out into LA, with multiple distractions (people, other dogs, etc) and do all his commands off leash. He definitely got a lot of attention and we were stopped many times by people saying what a well behaved, handsome and good boy he was being.