OffLeash SoCal

Miniature Schnauzer - Dog Training | Mabel | Ventura, CA

Updated: Feb 10

Mabel the Miniature Schnauzer from Venture, CA went through the Balanced Canine Training SoCal Two Week Board & Train dog training program. Mabel was trained by dog trainer Aileen Medina in Sylmar, CA.

Introducing Mabel the miniature schnauzer! She is an energetic spunky girl but has been known to run away. On many occasions, Mabel has gotten overly excited when meeting new dogs and people and constantly wants to play, bark, and jumps every chance she can. This smart girl has learned how to get her way with things. In order to do so, she will nip at her owner's hands or feet and will chew on things she isn't supposed to if she doesn't get her way. She does not have very good recall and it is difficult for her family to ever get her attention. She is a big leash puller and loves to run around from constant excitement.

Pupdate #2

Pupdate #3

Pupdate #4

Practicing heel for the first time in public

Pupdate #5

Pupdate #6

Today while practicing heel, mabel was doing her usual fighting and biting on the leash once she didn't want to do the commands. I stopped because I noticed a little blood, I think she may have lost a tooth.

Pupdate #7

Practicing place around Samson as well as with him!

Pupdate #8

Pupdate #9

Mabel had some off leash puppy playtime with my puppy and her board and train bestfriend after we had a training session.

Pupdate #10

Pupdate #11

Group socialization and holding commands!

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Pupdate #13

Little Miss Mabel came to show off her skills at the Americana today!

I learned that mabel will eat all of her food and will eat a little more quickly if a splash of water is added

Pupdate #14